Beautiful Mistake (Mistake #1) Read online

Page 12

  Emma continued to stare and him before groaning out of annoyance. "Richard, can you please -"

  "I'm just joking, Emma," Richard laughed, gently patting her on the shoulder, "you don't need to take things so seriously, you know."

  She made a face and drank the last bit of her refreshment. She gently removed Aidan's clutch from her hair and wrapped him securely with a blanket.

  "Well," she said, getting up, "thank you so much for your kindness, Richard. But I really must go."

  Richard's smile dropped into a frown. "Wait, come on now, Emma, you still haven't told me what happened back there -"

  "And it's really none of your business," Emma cut him off in anger. "Honestly -"

  "Well, seeing as how I helped you, bought a drink for you, and made sure you and your child were safe -" he got up and followed Emma out, ignoring the people staring at them "- the least you can do is explain to me why you were in that alleyway in the first place."

  Emma threw him a withering look before groaning.

  Damn it, what was up with the world? Why couldn't he just leave her alone? Couldn't he see that she wanted to be left alone? Was she not being obvious?

  "Stop being a - just stop and talk to me, Emma, stop!"

  Finally, she gave up. Well, only because they were getting these weird looks from people around them, much to her embarrassment. People these days can't just mind their own business, huh?

  She whirled around and scowled at him. "What do you want?"

  Richard let out a heavy sigh before shoving his hand inside his pockets. "Are you... Err... I mean, is everything all right?"

  Does anything about me look all right? Emma thought viciously."I'm fine."

  Richard's eyes narrowed. "Don't lie. You weren't much of a liar, even back then."

  Emma stayed quiet, silently fuming as she tightened her embrace around Aidan. The baby turned his head and stared at the tall man following them, letting out a small sound from its disturbances.

  She kissed his cheek, murmuring softly so Richard couldn't hear.

  "Who's the father, Emma?" Richard asked daringly. He didn't fail to notice her stiffening, which only heightened his interest. He stepped closer and glanced down at Aidan's blue eyes.

  Wait a minute...

  "Really, Richard," Emma scoffed, "how is that any of your business?"

  Richard raised an eyebrow, noticing the infant's physical appearance. "It's just a simple question, Em. If you answer me, then I'll won't ask any more questions, yeah?"

  Emma bit her bottom lip. It really is none of his business. Why is he pushing this?

  How close was Richard to Drake? What if he ran into Drake and started to question him? But, come to think of it, she didn't remember ever seeing them together. Then again, Richard -

  "You know what, Emma, never mind," he said suddenly, interrupting her thoughts.

  Emma blinked. "What?"

  Richard sighed before smiling with a shrug. "It's obvious that you don't want to let me know. But it's all right. I'll be there for you in case you need anyone."

  Huh. Well would you look at that.

  She frowned. "What? Richard -"

  "No really," Richard grinned, "don't worry about it."

  She sighed sadly. "It's not that I don't trust you -"

  "You don't, though," Richard said bluntly, letting out a chuckle as he stared at the ground, "and that's quite understandable! After all that's -"

  "That's not it at all, Richard."

  "Then, what?"

  Emma opened her mouth to respond but quickly closed it. "Rich -"

  "Do I know the father?" Richard interrupted, raising an eyebrow.

  Emma shook her head in exasperation before sighing heavily. Jeez, does he really want to know? "Yes. I can say that you know him very well."

  Richard's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh? Well then, you must tell me."

  She was seconds from leaving him to ease her annoyance, but she decided against it when she noticed him laughing.

  "What is so funny?" she snapped, rolling her eyes.

  "You," Richard grinned. "You're quite funny, Em. You need to loosen up a bit, you know?"

  Emma scowled.

  No, she doesn't bloody well know, stupid jerk. She turned back around to walk away but stopped when she noticed from the corner of her eye, a couple walking towards them, not paying attention.

  She paused, her eyes squinting at she stared at the familiar outline of the couple. When the view cleared, Emma gasped quietly in surprise.

  Alona and Ian walking together.


  Are they holding hands?


  Emma whirled around, glaring at Richard. She grumbled, embarrassed at the looks being thrown in their direction by people around them.

  "What are you doing?" she hissed.

  Richard grinned. "I'm getting my friends attention, of course. Isn't that obvious?"

  She glared at him before turning around again to face the two. She gave them both a smile, "Hey, Alona... Ian.

  Alona beamed and quickly rushed to give her a hug, accidentally nudging into the baby. "Sorry! But wow, Emma! You're okay! I'm so sorry about what Drake did to you and Aidan!"

  Aidan, who had fallen asleep, woke up from the sudden interruption. The baby blinked, let out a soft cry, before his eyes landed on Alona. He flailed his little arms around when he closed his eyes again, causing Alona to back away with uncertainty.

  Ian shook his head in amusement, throwing an arm around her shoulder. She merely glanced at him before throwing Aidan what she hoped to be a happy smile.

  Richard laughed. ''I can tell you'll be rotten when it comes to kids, Alona."

  Emma chuckled, adjusting her hold on Aidan as she rocked him back and forth. She rubbed Aidan's back, and kissed his cheek to calm him. After what felt like hours, but what really were a few long minutes, Aidan stopped crying, although his face remained in a disgruntled expression; the spitting image of Drake.

  "It's okay, darling," Emma laughed, kissing the frowning baby, "you can go back to sleep."

  "I'm sorry about that," Alona said nervously, "I'm just really glad you're okay."

  Emma shrugged and smiled. "Where's Drake?"

  She looked around them and frowned.

  Where was he? And why was Ian holding onto Alona like that? It seemed as if they were almost too comfortable with each other.

  "Sleeping," Alona replied. She turned to look at Ian, noticing the look on his face. "Are you okay?"

  He nodded, kissing her forehead without thinking. He turned back to Emma and grinned, "So, I see you met Rich?"

  "We met before," Emma said slowly, still shocked at Ian's tender gesture. "A few years ago."

  However, she didn't bother explaining further as she was too confused at the sight in front of her. Seriously, what the hell is going on?

  Were Ian and Alona really that close?! Alona was engaged! What would Drake do if he saw them like that?

  "Yeah, but we never really spoke to each other until now," Richard grinned, interrupting her thoughts and crossing his arms. "We're kind of getting to know each other."

  "Oh?" Ian raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Good! Because Emma is a beautiful individual. Plus, she's got brains."

  Alona didn't miss the glint in his eye.

  What was he playing at?

  Richard was too busy agreeing to notice anything, "Yes, you're right. Well she did say that she wants to go to law school, so you need to be smart! Don't forget that."

  Emma blushed. "Honestly, you two. Stop -"

  "If only I know who Aidan's father is," Richard interrupted so dramatically, not before winking at Emma. "Obviously he doesn't know the good things in his life."

  "You don't know who the father is?" Alona asked, confused. Emma threw her a warning look that clearly stated for her to shut the hell up. Thankfully, she understood. "Neither do we."

  "So mysterious." Richard smirked, throwing Emma a look. "I wonder why."r />
  "Well, then, you should find out. While you're at it, get her as your own before she gets away," Ian smirked, hoping his friend got the hint.

  Of course he did.

  "Well, I don't know," Richard said, quickly shoving his hands into his pockets again before turning back to Emma, "I'll wait until I know she's ready."

  Emma stared back at him.

  What were they both doing? She's right there in front of them, these morons. Was this really his way of asking her out? It was just sad.

  Though inwardly, she was amused.

  "Thank you," she said softly, knowing only Richard could hear her, "for making my day better."

  He looked genuinely surprised by her sudden gratitude, but gave her that boyish grin again. "But really though, Em. If you need any help, or you just want to talk, you can always call me."

  Emma nodded. "That means a lot. Thank you."

  Richard noticed that Aidan was quiet in his slumber and nodded towards him. "I guess you're leaving now?"

  He didn't want her leave. He's actually enjoying spending time with her. But, if he was going to try and get to know her better, he needed to first show some thoughtfulness, right?

  She grinned. "Yeah. See you soon?"

  Alona and Ian, who were both been very quiet, threw each other a triumphant look before listening again.

  "I'll look forward to it," Richard smiled back.

  Once they had all bade Emma goodbye, Richard turned to his friends.

  "Crap!" Richard grunted in complaint.

  "What is it?" Ian asked, concerned.

  "I said," He changed his tone to an exaggerated one, "'Oh, I'll look forward to it. Like a creeper.'" he groaned, "Damn it, Ian! I sounded like a damn fruit cake!"

  Alona scoffed. "You did not! Clearly, she enjoyed your company. Keep it up; I know she really needs this."

  "Why?" Richard asked, frowning with curiosity. "What happened?"

  Alona and Ian looked at each other, silently asking the same question.

  Should they tell him?

  "She's just going through a rough time right now," Alona said eventually, shrugging. "She needs a little goofiness in her life, don't you think?"

  "And you're perfect for the job," Ian smirked.

  Richard rolled his eyes but grinned back. "I like her. The man who left them is a dumb ass fool."

  Alona and Ian shared a look.

  Oh, he really had no idea...


  4 weeks later


  After putting on Aidan's tiny onesie, Emma gently placed the baby on her bed. Since she had no idea that Aidan was going to arrive earlier, she hadn't really prepared anything for him. She really had nothing else to do except to place a few more blankets and pillows around him.


  She turned around at the sound of the doorbell and quickly rushed towards the door, thinking it's her married roommates. When she saw it was just the mail man, carrying a huge box, and asking for her signature, she frowned.

  Were Jenna and Jason expecting mail? She sure wasn't... But then again, this package does have her name on it.

  "What is this?" she whispered more to herself, taking the box from the mail man.

  "Special delivery." He said with a grin, taking her signature and walking away.

  Frowning, she looked back at the package. The weird thing about it was that it had no name from the sender.

  "Okay then," she muttered, placing the package at the table.

  She rushed to her desk and took a scissor before going back to cut through the tapes, holding the box together. Once all the tapings were gone, she set aside the scissor and gently lifted the cover.

  Inside was full of gift wraps and the rest of Aidan's clothes the Rogers have given him. However, there was another smaller box just below. huh, a box inside a box.

  But a note laid on top of it:

  You forgot about this. Please, don't return it. Just keep it.

  The note didn't leave a name, but her instincts told her who it was from.

  But, with that knowledge, she wasn't sure if she should even open it. What could he possibly want to send her? He had made his message earlier loud and clear. She stared at the open box, wondering if she should just send back whatever it was, and not bother.

  But still...

  Her curiosity got the better of her.

  Placing the note down, she moved the wrapping papers away and gasped as a mixture of emotions came to her all at once. What? Why would he send this to her? And why now?

  A small cry disrupted her of silent worry.

  She looked at the bed to see Aidan fully awake, kicking as if he was sprinting. His wandering gaze fixed on her face before it lowered down to the teddy bear in her hands. He cried out again, strangely, his eyes now glued to the soft object.

  Emma was torn between sending back the teddy bear, and actually handing it over to her son. But really, Drake sent it, so what the heck? But then again, poor Aidan doesn't have anything.

  Whatever... It's only just a teddy bear. Sighing, she walked towards him and spoke softly. "Guess what someone gave you, Aidan."

  To her shock, he grabbed the teddy's ear and clutched it tightly. For some reason, she felt uncomfortable with the movement.

  Accepting it would look as if she had forgiven Drake, wouldn't it? But hell no, she has not and has no intention of doing so.

  But with returning it, Aidan would lose his only toy. Looking at him now, nearly falling asleep again as he kept his hold on the teddy bear's ear, it was almost as if he likes the furry thing.

  Emma let out a heavy sigh as as she lay down. She wrapped an arm around Aidan and placed a kiss on his cheek. Aidan twitched at the intrusion.

  "What was that, darling?" Emma chuckled, caressing his fine brunette hair.

  Aidan's right fist tightly held onto the bear's ear, while his other arm lay to the side, his head turning towards his mom.

  Emma couldn't help but laugh. "What's so special about that bear?"

  But even though it's from that jerk, it's the thought that counts, right? As of now, she's content just to be alone with Aidan. No one else is bothering the two of them.

  She let out a relieved sigh, staring at the sleeping baby.

  Wow, the amount of joy she feels at the moment, just seeing him like that. It was as if all the horrible things she had ever gone through had been worth it. All of the hurt, pain and suffering... All had been worth it.

  Why? Well, because this beautiful boy happened. She loves her son very, very much and would make sure no harm would ever come to her baby.

  Aidan yawned as he unknowingly placed one of his tiny hands on top of her arm. He kept the other hand on the teddy, almost as if he unconsciously wanted to be connected between his mother and father. It was impossible, but to Emma's mind, that's just how she sees it. She's so sensitive, it's annoying.

  Her eyes drifted back to the teddy. Why did Drake even bother sending it back? She didn't understand.

  She tried to gently take the bear away, but Aidan's fingers only tightened his fist as he whimpered softly in his sleep. Emma sighed in annoyance and gave up.

  He's too young to have a teddy bear, but she will keep an eye on him to prevent suffocation.

  Hmmm, Aidan seems to like the furry feeling. What kind of mother would she be to take away his first gift out of selfish reasons?

  Well done, Drake Rogers.

  Chapter 11

  .:. 5 Months after Aidan's birth .:.

  Drake could feel the heat of the sunrays hitting his face as his mind started to become aware of what was around him in his sleepy state. His eyebrows furrowed in annoyance as the blast of light hit his eyes.

  Groaning, he lifted up the blanket to cover his face, wanting nothing more than to go back to sleep. What time was it anyway?

  Peeking over the top of the blanket, he looked at the clock. Drake rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes as he stared at the time.

  What? It was only eight

  Dropping his head heavily back onto the pillow, Drake let out a few curses. Great, today is the day to officially (and publicly) announce his and Alona's upcoming marriage. He was actually supposed to get married to that annoying woman months ago, but for some reason Alona wanted to postpone the date.

  Not that he was complaining, though...

  It was his mother that was actually upset. She was very impatient about their impending marriage and kept asking them about the date.

  Honestly, how great for his family's reputation if the former city mayor's granddaughter is marrying the local's richest and dubbed 'dangerous' bachelor, Drake Rogers?

  Even though they didn't have an official title, his family was and is still well known. His family had done a lot for this city ever since they moved here when he was just a young boy, from Europe.

  His father was all buddy-buddy with - at that time - the city's mayor and had this crazy idea that the two powerful families in the city should have their heir's married off to each other.

  Since, after all, they were in the right circle. They didn't want them to mix with these... "peasants."

  It's completely bullshit and so insane, that these two families - well, mainly the men - only cared about shit like that.

  But it's sad because the city didn't know their leader's true colors. They thought they were lead by the most generous and amazing men.

  But the public should have known to never trust the media completely.

  Now that Drake had fucked up his family years ago thanks to his mishap of becoming, what those morons called him as a 'criminal', he's responsible to fix it.

  Honestly, if they wanted the public to think he's 'changed', should he be seen marrying someone who is outside of their 'circle'? Someone considered normal?

  He didn't understand why his mother wanted to go through with the marriage anyway, now that she knew that he impregnated the lawyer's assistant. The same woman who helped them get away from his case.