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Beautiful Mistake (Mistake #1) Page 19

  "Uh-huh. I'm sure rich people like yourselves are too lazy to do your own work." Emma snorted, folding her arms.

  "what?" Drake snapped, "what the hell are you doing here?"

  "Well then. If you're going to keep being an ass then I might as well leave," she said angrily, turning around.

  Hesitating for only a second, Drake growled. "Damn it, Collins! Wait!"

  Emma paused and faced him, raising an eyebrow to let him speak. She made the first move - again! It's his turn.

  Drake stared at her. The humiliation barring down on him was almost too much for him to handle.

  Damn it.

  Glaring at her, he pulled up a chair and bowed in a mocking way, "Please, Emma Collins. Don't just stand there. Sit down."

  Emma rolled her eyes but strode towards the chair and sat down. Still confused as to why she was even in his house, Drake stared, waiting for an explanation.

  "Where's uh... Where's Aidan?" He suddenly noticed their son's absence.

  "With Jenna, Tom, and Jason." Emma waved her hand nonchalantly, as if having his son in the presence of those idiots shouldn't bother him. "I'm here to talk to you."

  Well then.

  He crossed his arms. "So, talk. I don't have all day."

  "Cut the act, Rogers," Emma snapped. "It's just me in here."

  She's not going to take his bullshit again.

  "Like that's any better," he muttered, glaring at the floor. "Can you tell me what the hell you are doing here?"

  Emma was starting to feel her anger increasing, but pushed it down by closing her eyes and counting silently in her head.

  When she opened her eyes again, she continued in a cool tone. "You know, acting like this isn't convincing me to let you see Aidan again."

  Drake's eyes snapped to hers.


  Emma raised her eyebrows. "Do you want to see Aidan again?"

  Drake let out a heavy sharp breath, careful not to be too hopeful. He had no time for this game. "Stop it, Collins. Stop playing with me."

  She raised her eyebrows, a smirk placed on her lips. "Who said I'm playing? I'm only asking. Do you want to see him again? Because -"

  "You know I do, Emma," Drake said quietly. "I want to see him again."

  His gaze was becoming so intense that Emma had to look down at the floor.

  Man, what was she even doing here? This was such a bad idea... She was going to smack Rich in the face the next time she saw him...

  Her silence was making him fidget.

  "Please," Drake said, interrupting her thoughts. "Please, Emma, can I see him again?"

  Emma stared at him, contemplating.

  Drake, hating this feeling she was giving him, sat up straight quickly and leaned towards her. "I'm sorry for what I've done to you and I'm -"

  "Right." she interrupted him with a scoff. "But how do I know that you really mean it? You apologized before in your own way, and look how that ended up. Do you really expect me to just hand Aidan over on a silver platter? After everything? You hit me once already even though it was -"

  "I never hit you!" Drake snapped, getting up and striding towards her. "Collins, I have never -"

  "Don't lie to me!" Emma snapped. She took a few deep breaths and closed her eyes to calm herself.

  Calm down, Emma.

  Act professional.

  Yes, she slapped him before but that was because he actually needed it to knock some sense into him. She's rarely a violent woman, but its only Drake who brings out that side of her. However, Drake threw a fit without even thinking.

  Act professional.

  Be mature.

  Act professional.

  When she opened her eyes, she glared at him but kept her tone neutral. "You called Aidan a name I cannot forgive. You throw stuff whenever you are angry simply because you can't deal with it. What if in a few years Aidan pisses you off and you lose your temper?"

  Drake was silent.

  "It might have been an accident now, but what if you accidentally hit Aidan?" Emma continued on, "It's a serious question, Drake. What if. I'm not bringing up the apple incident just to mess with you, but because you're missing the point. You don't even know how to control your anger."

  Drake let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding as he went over what she said. Emma could read the emotions displaying on his face. But the one that stuck out the most was the horror flickering in his wide blue eyes as he stared at her.

  He didn't intentionally physically hurt her! It was an honest accident! It's not like he saw the damn fruit and thought, 'I'm going to hit her with this to spite her'.

  But then again... she does have a point.

  However, whenever Alona accidentally did something to him that physically hurt - like dropping the hot coffee on his lap whenever she handed it to him - he didn't blame her.. He'll be extremely angry at her and maybe exchange a few unpleasantries, but he'll never actually physically hurt her.


  He's not... he's not an abuser; not a physical abuser, anyway. He doesn't... he promised himself he wouldn't act like his father...not like them.

  Drake swallowed hard, trying to regain his thoughts. "Emma, I honestly didn't -"

  "Oh, stop. I already know you didn't mean to. My point is, you can't even control your anger." Emma scoffed. "So, tell me why you're safe to be around Aidan."

  Drake shook his head, "But that's -"

  However, Emma interrupted him again, "What if Aidan cries and cries to the point that upsets you because he won't stop? You might 'accidentally' drop him without meaning to but the damage is done. I know I may sound harsh, but you have to realize... As a mother, I need to look at everything I find a potential threat. Even if it means you."

  Drake tried to swallow down the bile rising from his stomach.

  Was he really that bad?

  How horrible was he?

  Shaking his head, he took a step closer to her, speaking softly. "I'm sorry for hitting you with an apple. I shouldn't have even thrown a fit like that. I should have controlled my anger."

  He paused, and swallowed hard, as if he was trying to gather his thoughts. "I'm sorry for telling you that I did not want the baby. Even though I knew it wasn't true. I had lied to you and myself for months."

  Emma took a step back, uncomfortable with how close he is. "What do you mean by you lied to yourself and I?"

  However, Drake shook his head.

  Already feeling humiliated with begging her to see their son. He doesn't want her to know everything. He doesn't want her to know that he cares. That it is crucial that he had to be an asshole for their sake.

  He can't let her know, it would ruin everything.

  He groaned, and backed away. Turning around, he walked towards the chair again and threw himself down. He leaned down to rest his head in his palms, looking completely pathetic.

  But for once, he didn't care.

  Emma narrowed her eyes, suspicious of his behavior. "I just need you to answer the question, 'How can I trust you?; Just answer that, please."

  Drake looked up at her sadly, shaking his head. "You can't. But I'll do anything to earn your trust if you let me see Aidan."

  She studied him, trying to see if there was anything she could pinpoint that would show that he was lying.

  To her surprise, he looked completely honest. But there is always the little seed of doubt in her head...

  "Honestly?" Emma groaned, closing her eyes. "I'm still not comfortable." Just because he's showing some human decency for once, does he expect her to let her guard down? Hell no.

  "Right," Drake laughed humorlessly, dropping his head to stare at the ground.

  Well, he tried.

  But he knew what she was going to say. He shouldn't have gotten his hopes up. It is his entire fault. He doesn't deserve to see Aidan, he knows it and the whole universe knows it.

  He was such a fucking coward, it was no wondered his father treated him the way he did when he was younger. It was no wonder
the gang he had joined years ago would push him to do the 'jobs'.

  Helps you build character, they would say.

  Well now look at him.


  Of course she would say no. Any woman with a decent mind and so much anger would definitely keep him away, and he wouldn't be surprised if she does the same.

  "If you ever hurt Aidan, or even me, Rogers," Emma said coldly. "I will not hesitate to go to drastic measures."

  Drake sucked in a deep breath as his head snapped up to stare at her.


  Did that mean...?

  "And if you ever lay a hand on me, whether it was intentional or not, I will go to the police. I won't even tell you, I'll just go straight downtown and have them arrest you," Emma said sharply, letting him know how serious she was. "Do you understand me?"

  Who gives a shit if she's being a bitch to him?

  After all he's put her and their son through, he definitely deserves more than a warning. But she's willing to give him another benefit of doubt that maybe... perhaps maybe, he is serious this time.

  Drake couldn't help but let out a breathless sigh and felt his cheeks widening from his grin. Oh goodness, is she... is she really going to give him a third chance? Will he really see Aidan again?

  Drake nodded his head, excitingly. "Yes, of course, I understand."

  "Good," Emma swallowed hard, wondering if she had made the right choice. "Okay. I'm taking Aidan to a park tomorrow. If you're serious about being there for Aidan, meet us at the park tomorrow afternoon."

  Without waiting for his reply, she turned around to walk away. Her mind was buzzing with thoughts and emotions.

  Did she do the right thing, giving him a chance?

  Was he being serious?

  She felt a calloused hand grab her wrist, causing her to stop abruptly.

  Sighing, she turned around and glared at the hand with disgust. "Get your hands off me, Rogers."

  "Thank you."

  She looked up at him, surprised. "What?"

  "Thank you, Emma," Drake repeated, gently releasing her wrist.

  The expression on her face relaxed as she stared at him.

  "I didn't do it for you, Drake," Emma said, softly. "I did it for Aidan. I don't want him to grow up resenting me for denying his right to being able to have his own father in his life."

  "I know," Drake nodded. "But still, thank you. I'll see you and Aidan tomorrow."

  She bit her bottom lip, still unsure of her decision. "Yes. See you."

  Drake, suddenly feeling elated, grinned as he followed and watched her rush to leave the house.

  But first, he made sure she got inside her vehicle safely before he closed the door and turned around to lean against it.

  Well, great shit.



  Finally, he was sure he would be able to see his son again.

  After a few seconds of reliving what had just happened, he pushed himself off and strode towards the kitchen, throwing himself on a chair beside the kitchen table.

  Despite his sudden excitement, something else was bothering him...

  Why is she giving him another chance, anyway?



  Nancy, who had been hiding and eavesdropping the whole entire time, smiled. She knew that Emma was not the kind of woman to carry hate.

  Emma was not weak.

  If anything, Emma giving Drake another chance proves to Nancy that Emma is a strong woman and a great mother.

  One who is able to overcome her dislike and resentment towards him, just for their son.

  Nancy sighed, turning around to walk away. Now that Emma is giving him a third chance, she's hoping that her stubborn son won't mess this up again.

  Only time will tell.

  Chapter 15


  "Are you insane?" Jenna snapped, crossing her arms as she glared at her friend. She leaned against the side door and grimaced, "What are you thinking?"

  Emma merely rolled her eyes, "I'm thinking that maybe Rich is right. Third time is the charm. I see that Drake is trying to see Aidan. To me, as long as he's trying, that's what's important."

  Jenna scoffed, "What about respect towards you? Do you even trust him?"

  "I didn't say I trust him." Emma corrected her, as she collected all of her needs for a day's out. "I did tell him, that if he messes up this third chance, I'm done. I can't be petty and selfish all the time, Jen. Just because Drake doesn't like me, doesn't mean he's not going to like Aidan."

  Jenna opened her mouth to retort back but stopped, groaning. "Fine, but if he does anything stupid, I won't hesitate to chop off his bits."

  Emma grinned, as she zipped the packed bag. "I know. Hell, I think I'll even join you."

  Jenna walked over to the crib and gently picked up Aidan, cooing when his eyes opened up. "Awe, you have such chubby cheeks!"

  "Don't squeeze them!" Emma laughed, playfully smacking her friend's shoulder. "They hurt, you know!"

  Aidan shook his head side to side, as if the feeling of Jenna's fingers on his cheeks was bothering him. Jenna got the hint and dropped her hand with a grin.

  She turned around to hand Aidan over to Emma and sighed, "If you want, I can give you guys a ride? I know you said you rather walk then drive but I have to go and pick up Jason from work anyway."

  Emma shook her head, taking Aidan and placing him on the readied stroller. "No need, Jen. The park is just a few blocks away."

  "Well, I'm going that way." Jenna insisted, "Besides, by the time I pick up Jason, I'm sure you are tired of his presence. Also, if Rogers bothers you, I can always pick you up and beat him up. But if you're walking back, he's just going to follow."

  After a few more minutes of Jenna insisting she give Emma a ride because "It's dangerous for a hot babe like you to be walking alone" as she kept on saying, Emma finally agreed.




  "I don't see him." Jenna snapped, glaring at the park. "I told you, it's a good thing I'm giving you a ride, he's a no show!"

  "Is that why you keep insisting to drop me off?" Emma groaned, getting out of the car and opening the back door to get Aidan from the car seat. "You think he's not going to show up?"

  "Well duh." Jenna said, rolling her eyes. "I don't want you to be staying here by yourself."

  Emma fought the urge to groan. Seriously, just because Jenna is only a few months older than her, does not mean she can be too overly protective.

  "But I'm not," Emma sighed, shifting Aidan with one arm and fixing the stroller with the other hand. "As you can see, there is a soccer team of children playing in the grass, along with their parents."

  She nodded towards a group of kids, running along the grass. The parents were either sitting on the grass over blankets, or some was sitting on the picnic tables.

  Jenna shook her head, "But still, I'm talking about him not -"

  "Oh honestly!" Emma snapped impatiently, "Go pick up Jason. If by the time you drive back here and see I'm all alone, then you can say stuff. But right now, just go. I need some fresh air anyway."

  Jenna looked like she was about to argue some more but grimaced. "Fine. I'm not comfortable with you being by yourself with Drake though."

  Shaking her head at her friend's protectiveness, Emma closed the door and waved until Jenna finally started the car and left.

  "Finally!" Emma muttered to herself. She loves her friend, but seriously? She needs some alone time.

  After making sure that Aidan was secure on his stroller, she took the teddy bear she had been hiding from Jen inside the bag and handed it to Aidan. He stared at it for only a few seconds before reaching forward and grabbing the teddy's ear.

  Letting out a heavy sigh, Emma pushed the stroller towards the park. Drake better show up, because not only will she hear an earful from her friend, she's going to kick his ass.




mma came to a halt and kicked the brake to keep the stroller from moving. Once she was sure it was locked into position, she walked around until she was in front of Aidan.

  "Hey, baby!" she cooed, a smile brightening her face. Bending down to unbuckle his safely belts, hooked her hands under his arms to lift him up.

  She took the teddy and placed it on the stroller before turning to Aidan. "Boy, you're getting heavy, aren't you?"

  She adjusted her hold on him into a more comfortable position and started towards an empty swing. With one arm wrapped securely around Aidan, she brought her other hand on one of the chains to pull herself up onto the swing.

  Thankfully, the swing she'd chosen wasn't too tall for her, so her foot still touched the ground, letting her swing herself.

  Once she was satisfied with her position, her arms still protecting Aidan, she glanced up at the sky and did something she hadn't done for quite a while.

  She let herself go.

  The early breeze was brushing against her face, and the sound of Aidan's giggles as she swung back and forth caused her to close her eyes in relaxation.

  This feels good.

  So, so relaxing.

  For a second, it felt as if she was a kid again, who had just discovered what it was like to be care-free. No stress, no work, no drama, and especially no certain idiot.

  Speaking of a certain idiot, where is Rogers?

  She opened her eyes and let her gaze wander around the park, trying to catch sight of the man. Hmm, where was he? Didn't he want to see their son again? This was his final chance, after all, so he had better take advantage of it.

  Not that he had ever taken advantage before, she thought savagely, keeping her movements on the swing steady. He was probably faking it all.

  "I didn't know which park to go to."

  Well, what do you know...?

  Emma stopped and turned her head to see Drake Rogers saunter towards them, his hands shoved inside his pockets. He gave her a quick nod before noticing Aidan.

  When the baby saw him, he blinked and stared for a few seconds before going back to squealing as Emma swung them a little more.

  "Are you happy to see me, Aidan?" Drake asked, lifting his hand to stroke the baby's cheek. He caught Emma's eye and cleared his throat. "Collins."