Beautiful Mistake (Mistake #1) Page 7
"I'm doing well, Alona, thank you. And you?"
Alona beamed when she saw Emma's extended abdomen. "Whoa, look at you! You're getting bigger!"
Emma scowled.
"No!" Alona laughed. "I don't mean it like that...I mean your baby."
"Speaking of babies," Ian started, "Collins was about to tell me who the father is."
"What?" Emma snapped. "No, I was not!"
"It's Tom, of course." Alona scoffed at the man's lack of information.
"Tom?" Ian frowned. "Tom McCray? I didn't know you two were still together."
Ian could have sworn he saw that Irish man with some random girl a few days ago in a fancy restaurant - fancy for a McCray, at least - having a really good time. But he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut.
"Congratulations," he said, instead.
Emma gave him a stiff nod. "Thanks."
The whole time Emma and Alona conversed, simultaneously playing with Anne, Ian was still in deep thought over Tom McCray. If they were together like Emma said they were, then why had he seen Tom with another girl the other day?
"I had a really great time, Emma," Tom grinned boyishly, shoving his hand inside his pockets.
Emma smirked knowingly. "I'm sure you did, Thomas. Did you ask her for another date?"
"No!" Tom groaned. "Damn it, I forgot! Should I call her now or wait or-"
"Why do I get the feeling you never go on dates?" Emma laughed, watching Tom turn red.
"Because he doesn't," Jenna grinned. "He's only dated you, that's it. Honestly Tom, this was your third date with her, wasn't it? Just ask her for another and make it official!"
"Official?" Tom asked, confused. "Make what official?"
Jenna rolled her eyes impatiently, "You're hopeless."
"Officially ask her out as your girlfriend, silly," Emma smiled, playfully punching Tom on the shoulder.
"Fine, fine," Tom groaned. "I'll ask her if she wants to have dinner with me on Friday."
Before the girls could reply, he rushed to his bedroom and grabbed his phone, dialing the girl's number.
Emma placed her hand on the bookshelves and let her fingers glide across the books. She stopped on a random book and grabbed it. She eagerly opened it, closing her eyes in comfort as the smell of fresh pages hit her nostrils.
Mmm, it smelled so divine and homey.
The scent brought her back to school, where her only comfort, besides the library, had been between the pages and the words that brought pictures to her mind of the outside world.
When times were harsh, like when Rogers was taunting her because of her image, she remembered running to the library to fill her mind with something other than his vicious words.
"You've got to be kidding me."
Emma stiffened. It seemed as if the Fates just loved to play games with her, didn't they?
"What do you want, Rogers?" Emma sighed, not even bothering to look at him.
Drake let out a dry laugh. "Well, I wanted some peace and quiet to clear my mind, which is why I came here. But, of course - surprise, surprise - you're here, as well."
"Fine," Emma snapped, gently closing her book as she stood up. "I was about to leave anyway."
"Good," he retorted back, making sure his shoulder bumped hers roughly.
She stumbled, but quickly caught herself. "So mature."
"I know. Now go away." Drake smirked, taking the comfortable spot Emma had just vacated.
Not wanting to cause any more trouble, Emma rolled her eyes and walked towards the girl behind the counter to pay for her book.
"Hello," the girl flashed her a smile. "This all for you?"
"Yes, please," Emma smiled back. Her eye caught a chocolate bar on a shelf nearby and she nodded towards it. "Throw in that chocolate, too, please? I'm craving something sweet right now."
The girl grinned knowingly and placed the chocolate on the counter along with the book. "Your total comes to $115.85."
Emma raised an eyebrow, "Oh, wow. That much?"
She flipped the book around to check the price. Sure enough, the book was rather costly. She did not realize she had picked up a history textbook.
What the hell, 115 dollars for a damn college textbook! She's not even going to school at the moment, she just wants this for fun. Of course, there are stupid taxes, but seriously?! California taxes are damn expensive! Groaning to herself, she took out her wallet and counted the money she had.
Damn. She has money but... ugh! She's saving most of her money for when the baby arrives, and didn't bring any extra spending money with her. Shoot, did she leave her card at her room?
Sighing, she looked up at the girl and asked, "How much would it be without the candy bar?"
"Mmm, $111.85."
Emma inwardly groaned. Ever since she had taken maternity leave from work, her payment has been cut off by so much, thanks to the economy and her job's management. It was humiliating to not have enough money to buy two simple things.
She has money, yes. She doesn't need to worry about living in the streets, but she's very careful with her spending. Right now, she does not have extra to splurge on. What if she needs it for more important needs? The book can wait.
"Never mind," she murmured quietly, as she shoved her wallet back inside her bag. "I'll come back tomorrow."
The girl gave her a sad smile, "Alright, miss. See you soon."
Emma was about to turn around, but felt a strong hand grab her arm.
She turned around in confusion and gasped, seeing Drake shaking his head at her.
"You're unbelievable, Collins," he sighed heavily, releasing his hold.
Emma gawked at him, "Excuse me?"
Ignoring her, he turned to the girl behind the counter. ''How much was the book and the candy?"
"What?" Emma frowned.
"Shut up, Collins. Was I talking to you? No," Drake said rudely before turning back to the employee. "How much?"
"It was $115," The lady said. "I'll drop the 85 cents."
Drake raised an eyebrow at Emma, "That's it?"
He opened his robe and grabbed his wallet from inside of a hidden pocket.
"Rogers, what are you doing?"
As usual, he ignored her as he took out some American currency and placed it on the counter. "There you go. Keep the change."
"Thank you, sir," the girl smiled warmly, placing the book and the chocolate inside of a bag and handing it towards him. "Bye guys, have a good day!"
"Thank you," Drake smirked. "You as well, miss..." He glanced at the girl's nametag, "Lisa. Yes, have a beautiful day, Miss Lisa."
Emma wanted to gag.
"What was that?" she snapped, staring at the bag in his hand as they left the bookstore.
It wasn't fair! She had wanted those things! Drake had just thought it would be hilarious to rub it in her face that he could afford a damn book and a piece of chocolate when she couldn't.
Drake grabbed her arm again, leading her outside where they would be free from nosy people. He took the bag and shoved it into her hands as if the book and candy were poisonous. "Here.. Take it."
Wait, what? He was giving it to her? But...why?
"I don't understand," Emma frowned. "Why are you giving me this?"
Drake glared at her, "Do you not want it?"
"I do," she said automatically. "But this is just like last time! I am not going to sleep with you again!"
"As if I want to shag you again," Drake scoffed, turning around to walk away. "Bye, fatty!"
It was no surprise to her that he continued ignoring her angry cries demanding an explanation. He simply rolled his eyes, shot her a sneer, and walked away, leaving her even more confused and angry.
Chapter 7
It's been months. Fucking months. Months since he's seen that pregnant woman, who claims t
o be carrying their baby. Not that he cared, really, but where has she gone? She couldn't have just disappeared.
Is she fat now with her stomach being extremely protruding? He knows he's been calling her 'fat' all this time, but he knew she wasn't really. But eventually, she would be, right?
Whatever, where has she been? Is she... okay? Is the baby - err, thing! Is that thing okay? Has she even had the thing and didn't bother letting him know? He wouldn't be surprised if she didn't. She must be avoiding him this whole time.
Yeah, that's it. That's a perfectly good reason as to why he hasn't seen Emma Collins. Really, even her dumb friends, he has not seen. What's up with that? Drake dropped the newspaper with force, letting out a frustrated groan. He was trying to read the daily events, but couldn't concentrate. His eyes were glued to the words of the newspaper, yet his mind was elsewhere.
To her. Why the hell?
Damn it, he hates these stupid confusing emotions going through him. What the fuck. Why should he care what happens to that woman and the baby - it!
Seriously, he never liked Emma Collins...
Lies. A treacherous thought echoed through his head. Drake glared at the paper, trying to refocus on the daily news.
He looked up to see Alona walking towards him, "There you are, what you are doing here in the quiet room? I've been looking all over for you."
Drake rolled his eyes, lifting up the newspaper. "Obviously I wanted some quiet, hence the name, 'quiet room'. What do you want?"
Alona ignored his jab and grinned, "Guess what?"
Drake glared, "Just fucking tell me."
Alona, not wanting the bad mood to ruin her good day, kept smiling. "I invited Emma Collins and her friends to -"
"Are you out of your bloody mind, Alona?" Drake asked, interrupting her.
There's no way Emma Collins would come to his birthday party, he is sure of it. She would probably just flat out refuse, and it would just be humiliating for his pride. Everyone wants to go to the party. Except for her, he's sure.
Alona gawked at him. "What, for wanting to invite Emma and her friends to your birthday party? This would be a great way to thank them, Emma especially, for -"
"Oh shut up already with the past shit, Alona. I've already thanked them," Drake spat, "it's starting to piss me off."
"What is wrong with you two?" They turned on their heels to see Nancy glaring at them both, leaning against the doorframe. "Alona, that is a splendid idea, dear. I shall get the invitations ready. And Drake, how many times have I told you to keep your temper intact?"
"Mother, how many times do I have to thank them?" Drake complained, throwing himself on the couch with a grunt. "It's as if you both want me to kiss their ass or something."
"Don't be so vulgar, Drake," Nancy scolded. She turned to Alona and nodded, "Go and send the invitations, Alona. I'm sure they would really appreciate it."
Ignoring Drake's glares, Alona fired a smirk at him as she advanced upstairs.
"Wait, what?"
Emma groaned in annoyance as she felt the throbbing in her head beginning to increase. She continued on to fold her clothes. "Jenna, I really don't like repeating myself."
Jenna rolled her eyes, dropping the mail at the bed, along with herself. "But seriously, I don't understand."
"What is it I said that you misunderstood?" Emma asked incredulously. "I bumped into Drake Rogers at the bookstore again. We exchanged a few words as usual. I went to purchase a book, but found I couldn't because I was running low on extra cash at that moment-"
"Then, out of nowhere, he came to your rescue and bought them for you," Jenna interrupted with a smirk.
"He did not come to my rescue!" Emma hissed.
Jenna grinned. "I was only joking, Emma."
"Well, that's what happened," Emma told her, "so there."
"Well, thank you for telling me, Emma," Jenna said sarcastically. "This happened when? Months ago and I'm only hearing about this for the first time now!"
"Sorry but you did ask me if I heard anything about him lately. To be honest, things has been pretty peaceful, now that Drake and I are avoiding each other like the plague." Emma said, not sounding apologetic at all. "Anyway, I just felt like sharing it with you now because I still find it weird, that's all, even to this day."
Jenna nodded, biting her bottom lip thoughtfully. "Now, don't think I'm crazy for thinking this, but what if he's... I don't know... changing?"
"Changing?" Emma laughed. "Don't be ridiculous."
"Okay, maybe he hasn't changed yet," Jenna sighed, "I mean, what if the news of you being pregnant - with his child is finally getting in his head?"
Emma scoffed. "Ridiculous," she repeated.
Jenna shrugged, and looked at the forgotten mail she picked up earlier today. Trying to change the subject, she reached forward and picked up an envelope and tossed it to her friend, "Here, you've got mail."
"Really?" Emma asked curiously, putting down the folded clothes and picking up the envelope. "I rarely get mail, besides bills. Even from my parents... I wonder who this is."
"Well it does say the Rogers on it. Could it be from Drake?" Jenna asked warily, watching Emma's facial expression. "Seriously, what does that idiot want now?"
Emma glared at the envelope with distaste, but opened it anyway, her curiosity over powering.
Jenna was right. It's from that evil man whore, himself. What was it now? Hadn't he bothered her enough already?
Wasn't he the one who told her to 'get out of his life'? She's been doing just that for the past months already. He should be satisfied!
"Well, let's see what it says," She replied, unfolding the latter and scanning the page. Her eyes widened at the fancy handwriting. "Drake didn't write this, Jen. It's Alona."
Jenna let a loud groan as Emma sat beside her. "Great. What does she want?"
Emma was silent for a minute.
Or two.
Or three.
"Emma?" Jenna asked, concerned. She gently placed a hand on her friend's tense shoulder and turned her slightly. "Is everything okay?"
She watched as Emma's eyes darted back and forth as she read the letter. A thought popped inside Jenna's head, making her gasp and her eyes widen.
"You don't think - Did Rogers tell her yet? About... you know." She nodded towards her friend's protruding belly.
Emma shook her head and took a deep breath. "No. At least, I don't think so. As far as I'm concerned, Alona don't know Drake's the father. They think Tom is."
Jenna frowned. "Then what?"
Emma sighed and looked up from the letter. "It's Drake Rogers's birthday in two weeks and she wants us to come."
Jenna's expression dropped along with her jaw. "What the hell?"
"Actually, scratch that," Emma laughed sarcastically as she glanced back at the letter. "She insists that we go. She won't take no for an answer."
"That's bullshit!" Jenna exclaimed angrily.
How dare they? Does that idiot girl not know how much pain her fiancé has put her best friend into? Not just pain, but something life changing!
Emma raised an eyebrow at her friend's words. "I'm speechless."
"What's there to be speechless about?" Jenna scoffed, taking the letter from Emma to look at. "It's quite simple. Don't go. Do you need Tom and my hubby to be here and tell you too? I'm sure they would. You've been our roommate for years, Em. We didn't let you move out, so how you going to expect us to let you go to this party by yourself?"
"Calm down, Jen," Emma said, shaking her head. "It's just that -"
"Wait," Jenna interrupted suddenly.
Emma looked at her friend and noticed the expression on her face. Jenna was staring at the wall and her eyebrows were furrowed together as if she was deep in thought.
"I think you should go," Jenna murmured suddenly.
"What?" Emma laughed, shaking her head. She grabbed the paper from Jenna and tossed the letter on the b
ed, adjusting herself to become face to face with her friend. "You just gave me this mini speech of why I shouldn't go. Now you're taking it back?"
Jenna grabbed her arm and shushed her, a wicked grin on her face.
"I'm serious, think about it! You and that belly of yours go to the party and most of the guests will question it. Drake Rogers will get very uncomfortable, and it would only be a matter of time before he explodes!"
"That doesn't make any sense, Jenna!" Emma cried out, her hand unconsciously drifting on top of her stomach. It was a gesture Jenna did not miss.
"Trust me," Jenna said softly, smiling. "You must go. Jason, Tom, and I will be there with you. C'mon Emma, don't you think it's time for everyone to know the truth?"
Emma studied her, her mind telling her that this wasn't her friend in front of her, but an imposter. "No, Jenna."
Jenna rolled her eyes. "I'm serious, Emma. We're going. In fact, I'm going to go and inform Jason and Tom now."
Hours later, Emma felt relieved to know that even her male best friends was questioning Jenna's motives.
Drake's Birthday
"What the fuck are they doing here?" Drake growled, his lips brushing against Alona's ear to give the illusion that they were this so-called perfect couple. His fingers, however, was digging into her side, making her wince with discomfort. "Answer me!"
Alona flashed a smile at one of their guests and pinched Drake's arm. "Don't you remember, dear? I invited them. Even your mother agreed."
"This is my birthday!" Drake snapped, his patience slipping away. "I was supposed to invite my friends not your fucking charitable -"
"Happy birthday, mate!"
They both glanced up to see Ian Creagh striding towards them with a grin.
"Ian," Drake said; his voice still rough from their disagreement. "Thank you for coming."
"My pleasure," Ian grinned. "Although it was Alona who invited me, technically." He took her right arm and bent down to land a soft kiss on the back of her hand. "So, thank you, Alona."
Alona blushed. "Drake wanted you to come, but I wrote the invitations. You should really thank him."
Drake made a face. "No thank you, Ian. I understand you're grateful, so no need to kiss me."
"Feisty husband you're going to have," Ian teased, wiggling his eyebrows at Alona, causing her to blush even more.