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Beautiful Mistake (Mistake #1) Page 9
Beautiful Mistake (Mistake #1) Read online
Page 9
"Shit, she looks like she's in pain." Tom groaned, uncomfortably. He was looking pale as usual, and sweat was forming on his forehead.
"Well it's obvious, isn't it?" the irritating voice snapped, "she's having the fucking baby!"
"Shut up!" Ian said frantically, "Just shut up, will you?"
"Watch your mouth," Jenna added, glaring at the idiot man with distaste, "in case you've forgotten, she's having your baby as well!"
"Everyone, please," Nancy sighed, unwilling for the argument to break out, "just stop."
Emma gritted her teeth as she sat up to look behind her. It took a few seconds for her vision to adjust before she saw who the voice belonged to.
Once she caught sight of the brunette hair, Emma gasped. "Rogers?"
Drake, who was all red in the face, fired back, "What now, Collins? Is giving birth too much for you? Can you not see that it's me or -"
"Mr. Rogers, I think she's ready now," the doctor interrupted sharply before turning to Emma. "Miss Collins. Are you ready to push?"
"Yes". Emma painfully pushed her first.
Motherfucker that hurts.
After a couple more pushes, Emma let out a heavy breath, displaying her tiredness.
She glanced around the room and frowned, "What's he doing in here?" She nodded towards Drake.
"Emma," Alona, who had arrived with the doctor a few hours ago, said. "He's the one who carried you to his bedroom -"
"This is his bedroom?" Emma asked surprisingly, momentarily glancing around the room briefly to distract her from the pain. "So?"
"What do you mean 'so'?" Drake snapped. "If it wasn't for me -"
"Miss Collins, I need you to push now!" the Doctor interrupted loudly, sounding impatient. "The baby is ready to come out!"
Emma nodded and took a deep breath before pushing. It was now or never... Holy shit, it's happening.
But damn, whatever shot the doctor had gave her felt like a waste of medicine. She could still feel pain radiating in her lower body. Her heart was accelerating as she put more pressure into pushing and she was gasping with each breath she took.
"Good, good!" the doctor encouraged. "Take a few deep breaths and do it again, Miss Collins."
As Emma did so, she whispered breathlessly, "Leave."
"I'm sorry?" the doctor asked confusingly, blinking momentarily.
"Not you!" Emma snapped, a few minutes after another push. She nodded towards Drake. "Leave, Rogers."
"Excuse me?" Drake asked, staring in astonishment at her. "You've got to be -"
"Leave!" Emma snapped. Never piss off a woman who is in the middle of giving birth. "You never cared for me or the baby, so why the hell are you here?"
Drake continued to stare at her, but stood in seething silence.
"What the fuck?" Drake growled, "I have every right to be here, Emma! This is my house, my room, and also my ba-"
He stopped when he noticed the struggle Emma was giving.
"If you're exhausted you can rest for a minute, Em." The doctor said, "Let me know when you're ready."
Letting out a deep heavy breath, she glared at Drake.
Who the hell does he think he is? He said he didn't want the baby, right? Why the hell is he here at the moment? He has guests outside, he should go ahead and entertain them or something!
Shit, this hurts so much! It's like she can't even feel her legs anymore, but it still feels as if a knife is stabbing her lower back.
Poor Jenna... She's clutching her friend's hand so tightly, she is so sure she felt it crack just a little bit.
Emma groaned as the sharp pain increased even more in what felt like near her pelvic. Oh goodness, she can feel it. She can feel it, it's almost over. She's about to bring her baby to this world!
After another push from the doctors instruction, she opened her eyes again and rounded at Drake. "Oh my - wait, Drake Rogers needs to leave, someone kick him out. Please!"
She didn't care that she looked like a demented hag. She was just determined not to let him see the baby. Or her pushing him or her out.
"Mr. Rogers, please leave," the doctor said. "You're upsetting her and we really don't need any distractions at this point!"
"Get the hell out of here!" Tom snarled, grabbing his arm.
Drake ignored him. His cold gaze was only set on Emma. "You have no right -"
Again, he stopped when Emma made another painful effort.
"She has every right!" Jenna snapped for her friend.
Emma nodded furiously, too tired to answer. He just doesn't deserve to be here! She refuse to let him see her giving birth since, as he said so himself, he doesn't even care!
"Tom, get him out of here!" Jenna roared, wincing as Emma dug her fingers into her hand.
"Emma; deep breaths," Nancy reminded her softly.
Drake, however, was flushed with anger.
He ignored Tom's attempts to remove him from the room and strode towards the bed. He leant down until his face was inches from hers. "Listen here, Emma Collins, you will -"
He staggered backwards with a grunt when a sharp pain against his cheek interrupted his speech. The pain increased and starting stinging as he gaped at the woman who gave it to him.
Everyone in the room held their breaths.
"Leave," Emma repeated. "Get the fuck out of my face before I do something that might throw me in prison."
She stared at him defiantly until she saw something flicker in his eyes. He stared back, his face blank except for that one flicker of emotion Emma caught.
"Fine," Drake said, after a few quiet seconds. The only sound that can be heard was his heavy breathing. He dropped his hand from his cheek, his expression void of any emotion as he gave her one last look. His voice was cold and calm. "Once you've finished, I want you to leave."
"What is the matter with you?" Alona asked bitterly, staring at the man with disgust and disappointment.
Drake ignored her and continued to stare at Emma. It feels as if millions of questions are rushing through his head:
Who the hell does she think she is? How can she do this to him? What has he done? He's trying to help. Why won't she let him?
Is the baby okay? Is Emma okay? Why the hell should he care if Emma or the baby is okay? He should just take the baby and leave once Emma is asleep.
But what would his mother say? What would Emma say? What about their baby?
None of those he voiced out loud. Instead, he decided to push away all those thoughts and revert back to what these morons expect him to say, "I want you and the bastard to leave by tomorrow morning."
His chest hurts. He could feel his chest tightening as he said that, but fuck her for making him feel and think like this. Before Emma could reply, Drake walked away and left the room, the door slamming behind him.
Good riddance, Emma groaned to herself.
.:30 minutes later:.
"Push!" The doctor shouted, her concentration set. "Miss Collins, focus!"
Emma pushed harder and she felt more excruciating pain. Is this what Hermione Granger, from Harry Potter, felt when she was under the Cruciatus curse?
Because fucking shit...
Oh seriously Emma, focus! The baby is coming right now!
"Miss Collins! Oh goodness - it's just right there, oh just one more push!" The doctor cried out excitingly.
"Emma, you can do it!" Jenna grinned, squeezing her hand.
"You're almost there!" Jason coming to her side, pushing her hair back for comfort.
"Push!" Tom shouted, finally feeling the positive excitement.
Everyone in the room gathered around as the throbbing pain accelerated. After many minutes - though it honestly felt like hours - of pushing, screaming, encouragement, and crying...Emma did it.
"Emma, he's adorable," Jenna cooed, watching the doctor clean up the infant.
Even Alona was smiling when she saw the newborn. But Emma notice
d how the smile didn't quite reach her eyes.
"Give him to me," Emma murmured quietly, her voice scratchy with exhaustion.
"Let me just finish getting him ready for you, Miss Collins," the Doctor said, wrapping the crying infant with a blanket. "Here you go."
Emma was beginning to black out. Even though she was thinking of her new baby boy, her second last thought lingered to the look on Drake's face before she had told him to leave. She couldn't help but notice that, behind those threatening words, his voice had seemed to crack as if he was wounded.
Drake Rogers, hurt?
That was impossible...
"We need to talk." Drake let out a groan and rolled his eyes at Alona then said, "There's nothing to talk about."
Alona gaped at him. "What do you mean, 'there's nothing to talk about'? We were supposed to get married! But now, you have a baby with -"
"Don't," Drake growled harshly, whirling around to glare at her, "Just don't."
"Are you out of your fucking mind, Drake Rogers?" Alona and Drake turned around to see a furious Ian walking towards them. Drake fought the urge to roll his eyes again. What does he want now?
"What the hell is wrong with you? Calling your child a 'bastard' earlier?" Ian continued. "What the fuck?"
"And have you forgotten the part where Collins kicked me out?" Drake snapped, throwing himself down onto the nearby couch.
"That's because of the way you've been treating her!" Ian snapped back. "Now that everything is calmer, it would be a good idea for you to go and see your son."
Drake straightened his back, rigidly.
He didn't understand why his heart was thudding in such an unnatural way and why his palms were becoming moist with sweat.
"I - I have a - It's a boy?" Drake asked, clearing his throat when his voice cracked.
"Yes," Ian said, grinning. "It's a boy with brunette hair and beautiful blue eyes. Thank goodness he has his mother's skin complexion and not his father's pale -"
"Stop," Drake whispered. He didn't want to hear this. Any of this. It's hurts too much...
Emma kicked him out.
Ian sighed and shook his head. He glanced at Alona for help, but she shrugged in return. He tutted and turned to Drake again. "Look, all I'm saying is if you want to see your son -"
"Who says I want to see the boy?" Drake interrupted with a scoff. "I told you and Collins, I don't bloody care, all right?"
Ian stared at him for a while.
This guy is just fucking oozing with bullshit.
"So, you don't want to be involved with him?"
"No," Drake had hesitated.
Ian rolled his eyes and looked at Alona. "Care to join me? I'm going to see if everything is okay in the other room."
Alona agreed immediately. "Yes. After that let's stop by at the shops to buy some clothes for him too. Poor baby doesn't have anything yet."
Before they closed the door behind them, Drake lifted his head and asked the question that had been burning inside his mouth to get out.
"What's his name? Collins's boy, I mean."
Before Ian could answer, Alona beat him to it.
"No way," she fumed. "If you don't want to be any part of Emma's child's life, then you don't get to know his name."
Before Drake could retort, they were already out the door.
Emma's consciousness was slowly coming back to the surface. She could faintly hear murmurs around her and what sounded like a soft cry coming from a baby.
A baby.
She opened her eyes to see Jason, Tom, Jenna, Ian, and surprisingly, Alona, talking in whispers as they all watched the infant trying to sleep.
"How is he?" she asked, clearing her throat as she sat up. "Is he okay?"
"He's doing great, Emma," Tom grinned, "you did really well. I honestly thought you were going to pass out in the middle of it all!"
"You underestimate the strength of a woman, jerk." Alona tutted, smiling at Emma.
Emma smiled back, but it immediately dropped when she remembered what Alona must be feeling at that moment. "Alona, I'm so sorry -"
"We'll talk later," she interrupted kindly. "Right now, let's focus all the attention on you and the baby, okay?"
Emma, shocked, nodded. "Okay."
"Nancy has gone to deal with Drake, but she said that you're welcome to stay until you've got your full strength back," Alona said. "You could stay here for a few weeks, if you'd like."
Emma planned on leaving much sooner than that.
Tonight, maybe.
Or in a few minutes.
Or seconds.
"He's going to grow up to be so handsome, I can tell," Jenna sighed, lovingly stroking the infant's head.
"No doubt he'll have Emma's compassion and knowledge though," Jason laughed, "Unlike some people we know." He threw a grimace towards Alona and added, "No offense, Alona."
Alona only rolled her eyes.
"Let me hold him," Emma pleaded, extending her arms. Once he was placed in her arms, she gently pushed the blanket away from his face and gazed at her baby boy. "Hello there, little one."
The baby seemed to have recognized its mother's voice and touch, because its eyes slowly opened and blinked. His blue eyes were strikingly similar to his fathers.
But none of his gaze held hatred or anger.
He was curious, but obviously very tired. He reached his little fingers up with a tight fist and made a sound. His fingers touched her chin and then her lower neck. He blinked again, as if trying to stay awake while he opened his mouth again and gave another baby soft cry.
"That's right, I'm your mommy!" Emma smiled and kissed his fingers as he made another small cry before closing his eyes again.
"Look at him," Jason sighed, "Please stop, little boy, you're going to give Jenna some weird ideas about having a baby of her own."
Jenna smacked him in the arm.
"Anyway, we really should be going," Tom sighed, "someone needs to tell my mother what's been happening."
"So soon?" Emma asked sadly. If they're leaving, she wants to leave. There's no way she's staying here.
"We'll come back," Jenna assured her, "we'll come back tomorrow."
"Besides, you and the little one need to rest," Tom added. "Speaking of the baby, have you thought of a name yet?"
Emma bit her lip. "I'm still deciding."
"Well, tell us the choices!" Jenna exclaimed. "It's not like we're going to laugh."
Emma blushed. "Um, all right. I'm still deciding between Aidan and Landon."
Silence, before Ian interrupted. "That's it? Just those two?"
She blushed even deeper. "Yes."
"Either one sounds great," Jenna said, shooting Ian an annoyed look. She then grabbed Jason's arm. "But we really need to go now, and I can tell you need more rest."
After trying her best to get them to stay, Emma sighed in defeat as she bade them all goodbye. She watched them all disappear before turning to Alona.
"Thank you," she said, feeling awkward. "And I am so sorry -"
"We'll talk tomorrow, Emma." Alona smiled. "Just rest."
"Okay," she sighed, settling back down into a comfortable position.
"If you need anything, don't hesitate to call us," Alona added before leaving. "Nancy, Drake, and I are here... But for now, I'm going to the store with Ian. Get some rest."
"Thanks," Emma said again, watching her leave.
Once Alona disappeared, she turned her head down to gaze at her sleeping newborn. Smiling, she leaned down to kiss his head before resting her head back down on the pillow.
She didn't realize how tired she was until she closed her eyes.
She drifted to sleep right away, failing to notice that another pair of blue eyes had been listening and watching over them the whole time, hidden behind the door.
She was already de
eply unconscious; she didn't even hear the person entering the bedroom. Not feeling the sensation of a hand combing her bangs back, or even the soft feeling of a new blanket covering her and her baby.
Emma woke up with the sound of her son whimpering. She looked down and saw him opening his eyes before closing them and drifting off to sleep.
This boy is going to give her a hard time when it comes to sleep. She can already tell.
Chuckling, she kissed her son on the head and sighed. "Mommy loves you, darling."
"He's been doing that a lot," someone said softly, "waking up and going back to sleep."
Emma gasped, her arms tightening around her son.
"What are you doing here?" she whispered back angrily.
Drake merely shrugged and stood up. He turned off the ceiling lights and switched the night lights on, before he headed out.
Right as he placed his hand on the door knob, he paused for a second and turned around to look back at Emma again.
"Aidan." He said quietly, his gaze drifting from her to the floor.
She frowned. "What?"
"I like that name... Aidan," Drake explained, "means something like 'fire', doesn't it?"
Emma blinked and stared. What the hell?
"Aidan." Drake murmured, after her silence. "He's going to be quite powerful."
However, Emma continued to be silent. Her hold on Aidan continued to tighten, afraid Drake might just stalk towards her and grab him.
Drake stared back before glaring. He turned the doorknob and walked away, leaving Emma in mixed emotions.
Angry, because how dare he walk in here without permission?
Confusion, because what the hell was that about?
And of course, annoyance.
Because she could have sworn the corner of Drake's lips had curled into the first real smile before he hid it behind a glare.
Chapter 9
After her exhausting day, Emma was told by the doctor to stay at the house for a few more days, much to her dismay. He wanted to make sure she rested, and to keep checking up on Aidan since he was born a few days early.
"That's usually normal." The doctor had explained to her, "Every child is different. There is going to be times when a baby is born a few weeks early and times when they're born on time."