Beautiful Mistake (Mistake #1) Page 13
The sound interrupted his thoughts.
Drake huffed, bringing the blanket up to cover his face again. "What do you want?"
"Drake, are you awake?" his mother asked softly behind the door.
"I don't know mother, am I?" Drake asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he turned on his side. "Actually, no, I'm just sleep talking. I'm still in such a deep sleep, so come back when I wake up, will you?"
"Open the door, Drake," Nancy tutted. "Why must you always lock the door?"
Drake wanted to reply with a crude comment, but he knew his mother wouldn't appreciate it. "Just... what do you need?"
"Drake. Open the door."
Groaning in defeat, Drake threw the blankets away from his body and pushed himself off the bed. He rubbed his eyes again before he finally let Nancy inside, who wasted no time and rushed inside his bedroom.
"Good morning to you, too," Drake grumbled, throwing himself back on top of his comfy cushions.
"Drake," Nancy tutted, folding her arms as she glared at her son, "do you know what the date is today?"
"Nope," he shrugged, already regretting his decision to let her in.
Couldn't he just have a decent sleep for once? He had been so stressed out recently; he didn't need any more shit at home.
"Today is a big day. Also, don't forget today you have a job interview for that position at that law enforcement office," Nancy sighed. "Drake, you really need this to go well. You need a new job, especially that one. Plus, it will look good to our local media."
"Mother, I don't a new job," Drake complained rolling his eyes, and giving up sleep already. "Why do I need a job if we've still got money and -"
"That's not the point, Drake!" Nancy snapped. "And you know that."
Drake opened his mouth to retort but thought against it. Of course. No matter what, she still wanted the public to think that the infamous Drake Rogers wasn't just some spoiled young adult brat who had 'committed' a crime in their community.
Like he thought earlier: Bullshit.
Emma patted the pillows near Aidan and watched as he struggled to sit up. She kept her arms near him as he rolled to his side and then onto his stomach.
"Uh oh!" she laughed, a half-shocked expression on her face. "You almost did it!"
Aidan looked up and screamed - or was that a squeal? - As he continued to try to sit up by himself. Emma watched him with a satisfied smile.
Goodness, had it already been 5 months?
During those months, Aidan had been showing some progression which not only thrilled her, but made her think he was going to be a bright young child just like she had been.
The door opened unexpectedly, catching her attention.
"Hey, Emma!" Tom greeted his friend, as he made way for Jason's arrival.
"Tom, you're making a mess!" Emma scolded, but she grinned back as she was enveloped in a hug. She noticed a bag in Jason's hand and nodded towards it. "What's that you got there?"
"We've got you both something," Jason said, after greeting Emma with a hug too, "a surprise, actually."
He looked around the room and raised an eyebrow at the sound of Aidan babbling to himself as he rolled over to his side. Chuckling, Jason walked over to him and squatted down.
"Hello there, Aidan," he grinned, putting the bag down the floor, "Guess what Aunt Jenna and her mother gave you? Do you want to see?"
Aidan looked up at Jason and made a sound, his hands extending towards him as his gaze flickered from the bag and then back to Jason again.
"I'm guessing that's a yes," Tom laughed, sitting beside Jason.
"Where's Jenna?" Emma asked, sitting behind Aidan and pulling him against her to support his back.
"Oh, she's at her parents’ home," Jason sighed, "she hasn't been feeling well this early morning, and doesn't want to come here and 'get the baby sick' she said. She says hello though and plans to see you maybe later at work."
Emma frowned. "Work? Jason, I haven't gone to work in months. Not since Aidan was born, really."
"That's another surprise," Tom grinned, "Your old manager, Jim Baker, says that you've been emailing him about doing something for work -"
"Well, you can't expect me to stay home and not do anything to support Aidan," Emma snapped, annoyed with the idea.
"Exactly," Tom said, rolling his eyes. "Which is why Mr. Baker is letting you come back -"
"Really?" Emma interrupted excitingly. "I can come back to work?" Suddenly, her face fell. "But what about Aidan?"
"Let him finish, Emma," Jason said, pulling his tie out of Aidan's grip.
"I know your real job was to work for those lawyers like a slave," Tom explained, ignoring Emma's annoyed looks. "But since you asked for a smaller position for now, Mr. Baker wants you to work temporarily in the office, still."
"Doing what though?" Emma frowned. "The same thing?"
"Well, kind of," Tom shrugged. "Instead of looking over at people's cases, you're more like a receptionist. You're in the front desk, so you just get to answer calls and write down information about new clients and file them. But since you have experience, if they need you to look over some paperwork, they'll let you do it, since the others are clueless. You've got the brains!"
Emma frowned, "Sounds boring."
"It's small," Jason agreed, "but it's better than having no job, right? Mr. Baker will still be paying you the same amount because of your knowledge."
"Which is unfair if you ask me." Tom muttered under his breath teasingly.
Well... she did ask for a smaller position. And her boss did tend to call her whenever they needed help, which was almost every other day... So it wasn't really a bad idea, right?
"Temporarily?" Emma asked.
"Yes," Jason confirmed, "and then once you're comfortable enough, or when Aidan is old enough, you can definitely transfer back to your original position."
Emma still looked unsure.
"He's so desperate, that he said you can bring Aidan. You'll still have your own desk, you just won't be working as hard and much." Jason explained.
"Okay," she nodded, gathering Aidan in her arms as he struggled to crawl away, "when can I see him?"
"Later, if you want," Tom said, "we can watch Aidan for you."
Emma beamed at him. "Thank you, guys. I really appreciate that."
The tip of Tom's ears reddened, and Jason only mumbled a quick, "You're welcome."
"So, what did you get for Aidan?" Emma asked, tightening her arms around the squirming boy.
"Oh, check this out," Jason grinned, pulling out a dancing Elmo toy. He pressed the button in the hand and watched as the red character danced and sang.
Aidan stared at the Elmo toy and leant towards it. He made a shout, trying to reach for the it, but stopped when he noticed his mother's arms around him. He turned his head to look at Emma and made a few incoherent sounds - probably telling her to let him go - before turning back to the toy.
"He loves it," Tom grinned. "I remember watching this show when I was small and saw this online. It's so cool!"
"Thank you, Tom," Emma laughed, loosening her hold and watching as Aidan reached forward and grabbed Elmo's nose.
"It’s alright," Tom mumbled, looking at the ground sheepishly.
"Anyway," Jason said, rolling his eyes in good nature, "you should get going. Mr. Baker will be at the office until 10, so best go now."
"Okay," Emma agreed right away.
Wow, it had been months since she had stepped foot at the workplace. It wasn't like in school where 'months away' were only ever three.
Ever since she had found out she was pregnant, Mr. Baker hadn't wanted her to work, fearing for her health.
Now, after all those long months, she could go back and feel independent all over again.
"Good news or bad news?" Mr. Jim Baker asked Drake, staring up at him
from behind his spectacles.
Drake blinked, confused. "Pardon?"
"That wasn't one of the choices, Mr. Rogers," Mr. Baker sighed. "Do you want to hear the good news or the bad news first?"
What an ass. "Err... bad news."
''Unfortunately, you did not get the position as the lead deputy." Mr. Baker didn't appear at all sympathetic as he delivered the message.
"I'm guessing that's good news for you?" Drake asked coldly, folding his arms.
He knew he didn't stand a chance, but whatever. At least he can tell his mother he tried.
"Yes," Mr. Baker grinned, "although that was not the good news I was going to give you. The good news is that I'm going to let you work for me."
"For you?" Drake asked slowly, raising any eyebrow.
"Yes. As my assistant."
Drake stared at the man in front of him. An assistant? "What kind of assistant?"
Mr. Baker explained. "Well, my own personal assistant. You'll just do what I need you to do. It's simple really. Since I've been very busy recently, I could use a bit of help around the office. If I need you to drive somewhere to deliver something, or make my guests some refreshments, or -"
"What kind of position is that?" Drake snapped. "I'm not going to be anyone's fucking slave!"
Hell no! He is Drake Rogers, the city's richest and well known bachelor! His family was very important when it comes to this community. He's not going to degrade himself, no way!
How fucking dare he?
"Not my slave, my personal assistant. But, since you don't want it, I guess you'll have to find someone out there who would be willing to hire you with that thing tattooed on your arm," Mr. Baker shrugged, "I'm sure no job would want a gang symbol on their employees body."
Drake's mouth closed shut.
The asshole had a point, but that didn't mean he had to agree. What would mother say? Him, doing what this man wanted, as a personal slave? What would the public think?
"Fine," Drake growled angrily, "when do I start?"
Mr. Baker beamed, "You can start by letting Miss Collins inside. I believe she's waiting for me."
Wait, what?
Drake felt himself freeze.
He thought he had got rid of her already.
He couldn't help but notice the way his heart felt: as if it was beating too slowly and the atmosphere around him was becoming chillier. That was what Collins did to him, every time.
A small knock interrupted his thoughts and he watched as the woman walked inside Mr. Baker's office, coming face to face with him.
Oh fuck.
Emma's excitement and smile vanished at the sight of Drake. He looked equally as shocked about seeing her.
"What are you doing here?" she asked harshly, glancing between him and Mr. Baker.
Drake smirked, folding his arms. "I happen to work for the boss of this city's law enforcement office. What are you doing here?"
Emma glared at him. "I'm going to work for him too! Although, now that I know you're here, I think I'll pass."
"Calm down, Miss Collins," Mr. Baker sighed, "take a seat so I can give you the details for your new job position."
"Temporary job position," Emma corrected him. She liked her real job and she planned to keep it.
"Right," he continued, "now, ignore Mr. Rogers please, so we can get down to business."
"First off, I want him gone," Emma snapped, giving Drake a dirty look.
"Oh please," Drake scoffed, sitting down away from her, "as if I want to be in the same room as you."
"Sod off, prick," Emma mumbled under her breath.
"What about my prick?" Drake smirked tauntingly. "Do you hear what she's saying, Sir?"
He wasn't sure what his emotions were telling him. He was shocked but strangely excited to see her? But then again, kind of scared. What the hell?
Before Emma did something she would regret, Mr. Baker cleared his throat sharply.
"Mr. Rogers, you are free to go for now," he snapped. "I believe you had an announcement for those journalists in front of the building?"
"They're here already?" Drake asked, clearly annoyed. It was only the afternoon and already they wanted full coverage of this wedding plan.
"Yes. I'll call you if I need anything," Mr. Baker said, opening the door for him.
Drake shrugged and got up before throwing Emma a smirk. Once he left, she whirled around to glare at the Minister.
"Why is he here?" Emma snapped. "Why did you even hire him?"
"Miss Collins, I know that you and Mr. Rogers had your differences," Mr. Baker sighed, leaning back from his chair and giving her 'the look,' "But you both need to put that aside and be professional now, as my employees, do you understand?."
If only he knew what happened between them.
Emma gritted her teeth. This job is temporary. This job is temporary. "Yes, sir. You're absolutely right."
Mr. Baker's face lit up, causing the mood to lighten.
But, no matter how excited she was about this job, that annoying, horrible, and gut wrenching thought that she could run into Rogers anytime soon almost made her change plans.
"Are you expecting a grand wedding, Miss Gordon?"
Alona nervously laughed as she blinked profusely from the sudden lights of the cameras. "Err... Well, I don't mind a small one."
"But a Rogers always expects the best," Drake said smoothly at the crowd of writers, "so it will be another grand wedding, as you put it."
Flash! Flash!
"Miss Gordon, how does it feel to be engaged to a criminal?"
Drake's expression remained blank, but Alona could see the sudden stiffening of his body and his sharp intake of breath from the corner of her eye.
Giving the writer a look, she took one of Drake's clenched hands gently.
"I am very happy to be engaged to a family who has held grace and pride. The fact that the Rogers are still standing here despite Drake's mistakes, tells me how strong they are as a family; one who sticks together no matter what, and I, for one, am proud to become part of them."
Flash! Flash! Flash!
"Over here, Miss Gordon and Mr. Rogers!"
"Look at the camera, you two!"
To her shock, the hand that she was holding squeezed back gently.
She glanced at his direction and was taken aback when Drake's face slightly turned towards her with his lips turned upward before it flashed back into a line.
Even though that smile was small and quick, she could still have read the thankfulness behind it. And that small gesture meant a lot to her.
She has no plans of marrying him.
No matter what they think. Her heart is set on someone else. But that doesn't mean she's going to let anyone call Drake a dangerous gang member.
These savages don't even know what truly happened.
Few days later..
"Such a faker." Tom scoffed, reading the newspaper "I doubt Alona would be thankful having to be involved with that family, quite honestly. Who does she think she's kidding?"
"I don't know, Tom." Emma shrugged, adjusting her hold on Aidan in a more comfortable position."She may not be thankful, but she seemed genuine when describing how strong the Rogers' are as a family. That's good, right?"
"Still think the Rogers' are full of asses." Tom said, tossing the paper to the nearby trash and crossing his arms.
"Oh look there's Jenna and Jason!" Emma exclaimed, causing Aidan to squirm with excitement at the sight of their friends.
Jason grinned, holding his arms out as he entered the house and laughed as Aidan started to bend forward and lean towards him. "Hello little one, did you miss your Uncle Jason?"
Aidan's hands clenched and unclenched
as he kept stretching his arms towards him. When Jason made no move to hold him, Aidan frowned and made a sound before shouting.