Beautiful Mistake (Mistake #1) Page 14
"Oh stop teasing him, will you?" Jenna said, slapping Jason's shoulder playfully.
Jason just laughed and wrapped his arms around the baby, giving Emma the chance to ease the ache growing in her arms.
"So how was the meeting with Mr. Baker?" Jenna asked, after greeting Emma with a hug.
Emma beamed with excitement. "Brilliant! Mr. Baker said I'm more like a receptionist. Plus, Aidan gets to come sometimes since I have my own desk!"
"But aren't you worried that Aidan might cry and disrupt the environment?" Jenna asked, tickling the baby.
Emma shrugged, "Well I'm only going during the morning. Usually, that's when this boy is asleep. If he does start crying, I'll just get up and leave. I'm sure Mr. Baker will understand. He should have known what would happen when he said I could bring Aidan."
"Well he was desperate." Jason laughed, "Oh well, he can't go back on his word!"
"Besides," Tom insisted, "You're only working half days. We can baby sit Aidan for you if you feel it's going to be a busy day, though."
Emma smiled, feeling grateful. "Thank you. I'm just glad that I can have a 'bring your kid to work' day anytime I want!"
"It's not like this temp job is hard to do." Jenna agreed, "So you won't have loads of paperwork to do."
"That's very simple." Tom complained, "Way easier than what Jason and I have to do -"
"That's because this job is only temporarily. If I haven't been begging for a job, I bet you anything he wouldn't have even offered." Emma explained, watching with a grin as Aidan tried to grab Jason's tie again.
"Hey look who it is!"
Jason, Tom, Jenna, and Emma turned around to see Richard Huck jogging towards them. Oh great, here comes the joker.
Emma grinned, giving him a quick hug. Ever since Rich found her months ago, he had become quite a gentlemen. She doesn't need a man, but it was nice getting a bit of positive attention from the opposite sex.
"Oh damn it, not you again." Tom groaned, rolling his eyes. "Every time we're with Emma, you're with her. Can't you just leave us in peace?"
Rich smirked, "It's not my fault Ems enjoys my company."
Tom wanted to retort something back, but the look on Emma's face made him feel as if he was a child being scolded.
"What brings you here, Rich?" Emma asked kindly, "Not stalking me, are you?"
Rich smirked but shook his head, "As much as that idea excites me, I'm actually here with my friend. You'll see him, his name is Drake Rogers."
Emma stiffened.
The fates must be laughing their ass off right now, because what the hell?
"We've heard of him. Where is he?" Jenna asked, trying to ease the tension she thinks Rich was blind to see.
"He's over there." Rich laughed, turning around to nod towards a person who was gazing at what appeared to be a shop for books. "As you can see, he's quite busy at the moment."
"Right." Emma muttered, glancing towards her friends, "Anyway, we have to go now."
There's no way she wants Drake to see her. How the hell would she have known that Richard and Drake knew each other? That they are friends?
Why are they friends? Rich is so sweet... and Drake is an asshole. This doesn't make sense, she's so confused!
And angry!
He's fucking everywhere! Every where she turns, he's just there!
Is he stalking her? She doubts it since he looked just as shock as her when they ran into each other at the office... but still.
This is some odd coincidence...
Rich's face fell immediately, "Oh. Why?"
"Busy stuff, mate." Jason said sympathetically, catching Emma's discomfort and giving her Aidan.
The baby squealed out loud as he felt his mother's arms wrapping around him. He placed his tiny hands on Emma's face and babbled, letting a few saliva dripping from his mouth.
"Dirty boy." Rich laughed; taking a tissue paper from his pocket to wipe the baby's face.
Aidan turned to Rich and stared as he let his head fall against the crook of Emma's neck.
"By the way, I didn't know you're working with Drake," Rich suddenly said, "He started calling me after his interview with the press that he was working with an infuriating woman. Then he started rambling about how he got said woman knocked up and how he never heard from her in a while -"
Emma scoffed, interrupting him. She's starting to feel uncomfortable with where this was heading.
"But when I asked who," Rich continued, ignoring her. "He said Emma Collins. So imagine my surprise when I find out my best friend is talking about my favorite girl."
"What the hell?" Tom snapped suddenly, looking back and forth between Emma and Rich. Clearly this was news to him. "You're working with Drake? What is he talking about?"
"You're working with Drake?" Jason asked also, frowning with confusion. He stepped closer to Emma and placed a hand on her shoulder in a brotherly gesture.
She opened her mouth but then closed it, shaking her head.
"So, Ems... What was Drake talking about?." Rich said conversationally, raising an eyebrow. "Simple question, really."
What the hell is he doing?
"That's none of your business!" Jenna snapped, before Emma could reply back.
"I thought we were all friends now." Rich gasped in mock shock, bringing his hand into his chest to feign hurt. He glanced at Aidan and sighed, "Curious. He has brunette hair and blue eyes, Ems. Come to think of it, he looks like a younger version of someone I know."
He gave her a knowing look.
But before Emma could make up an excuse, a voice that made her heart sink lower than her stomach interrupted her.
"Rich, what the hell mate? I've been looking all over for you!"
Rich gave Emma a look she couldn't quite decipher before he turned around to face his friend, "Sorry Drake. Just saw some friends and decided to say hello again."
Drake frowned and glanced at the 'friends'.
Alright, by 'friends' he thought Rich meant their former college friends. But what the hell? Not the bloody do-gooders he loved to hate.
Damn, he could feel the anger radiating from Jason, Tom, and Jenna.
What's their problem?
But all of that was nothing compared to the look Emma was giving him now. Her glare was oozing with hate he didn't even know she was capable of holding.
He had to secretly admit to himself, it kind of shocked him a bit - in a disheartening way. But there's no way he's going to give her the satisfaction of knowing how much it affected him.
Just why the hell was Rich talking to them, anyway?
"What are you lot doing here?" Drake sneered, coming to stand beside Rich and giving them a look of contempt.
However, it was the small thing in Emma's arms that answered him.
It was a cry.
It was just a tiny cry.
Completely small.
But damn, it's going to do a number on Drake right now.
The sound of a gasp was out of his lips before he could stop it. Nor was the immediate feeling he felt at the sight in front of him.
It was a feeling he was completely unfamiliar with and it made him want to gather it all up and chuck it out of his system. Yes, it was that uncomfortable and foreign of a feeling.
Is that his heart slowing down again? And why is he suddenly feeling so cold that goose bumps is forming on the surface of his skin?
But what confused him the most was that this was the first time he and Aidan laid eyes on each other properly, those striking blue eyes that are so much like his own was staring back at him with what Drake thought was curiosity and wonder...
And he couldn't help but feel the same way.
Chapter 12
Aidan blinked, his tiny fingers clutching onto Emma's hair as his gaze remained on Drake. Emma leant forward to kiss his cheek, trying to gain his attention. Even though he's only five mon
ths, she still wanted to know what he was thinking.
The expression on Drake's face gave her a series of mixed emotions.
His blue eyes had widened when they landed on Aidan, and the way his entire body stiffened made her think for a second that he was paralyzed.
Ha. She wishes.
She didn't know if his reaction was a good thing or a bad thing. Personally, she was satisfied that Drake finally got to see Aidan properly. But she was scared of what he would do. Would he try to do something stupid? Did he want to get to know Aidan now? But then again, even if he does magically change his mind, she's definitely not going to go easy on him.
Not this time.
"We really need to get going," Jenna hissed under her breath, gently pulling Emma's arm and interrupting her thoughts.
Drake's eyes snapped to Emma, his shocked expression masked back with a blank look. He smirked, crossing his arms and nodded. "Collins, how bad it is to see you, as usual."
"Likewise," Emma replied back before wincing when Aidan pulled on her hair. "Ouch! Aidan, be careful, sweetheart."
Aidan giggled. "Hum, mah, mah, mah." He grabbed on Emma's hair again and began to play with each lock as he turned around to look at Drake again.
"What is he saying?" Tom asked, wrinkling his nose as he watched a strand of saliva drip from the baby's lips.
"He's just mumbling a few baby words, Tom," Emma laughed, wiping Aidan's mouth.
Dropping his gaze from Drake's, Aidan let go of his mother's hair and placed his head on the crook of her neck.
Emma smiled inwardly, placing a comforting hand on his back, caressing him in a gentle manner as she kissed the top of his head. Aidan yawned, his eyes shifting to Tom, Jason, Jenna, Rich, and then back at Drake.
Drake was beginning to feel uneasy each time Aidan glanced at him.
Was there something in his face that caught Aidan's attention? Why the hell the baby is keeping looking at him?
"How odd," Rich said curiously, his gaze lingering between Drake and the baby. "Hey Drake, check this out. I think I found a miniature you!"
Emma's breath hitched for a second before her arms tightened around Aidan. She rolled her eyes and forced a laugh, shaking her head. "Don't be ridiculous, Rich."
"Yeah," Tom jumped in, glaring at Richard with distrust. "Aidan is nothing like that snake."
Drake gasped in mock hurt and placed a hand over his chest. "Ouch, Tom-Tom! That hurts. Truly."
Tom made a threatening move towards him, but stopped when Emma touched his arm. "Don't. He's not worth it."
Jenna, noticing Emma's discomfort, gently grabbed her arm. "C'mon Emma. Let's go."
"Yeah, Rich," Drake said, mocking Jenna's tone, "let's go, I'm bored."
"Can we meet up later?" Rich asked Emma, ignoring Drake's protests.
Emma bit her bottom lip, not knowing what to say. The atmosphere around them was beginning to lean towards awkwardness. She enjoyed Rich's company, but c'mon... just this once; couldn't he give her some space?
"I don't know, I've got to work later tonight and -"
"Oh, how grand!" Drake laughed sarcastically, clapping his hands together. "So have I. Guess I'll be seeing you there, Collins?"
Piss off. Emma glared at him. "Hope not."
"Then, I'll come by to pick you up during break?" Rich asked, looking hopeful.
Emma opened her mouth to reply back but hesitated. "Rich -"
"Why would she go with you, Huck?" Tom snapped, "What business does -"
"Sure," Emma said, glaring at Tom for making a scene. "I'll get back to you, yeah?"
Jenna and Jason both grumbled impatiently, and Tom gently pulled Emma with them.
"See you soon." Rich grinned, looking smug as he shoved his hands inside his pockets.
He turned around to see Drake staring at him with an unreadable expression on his face. Both of his hands were clenched into fists and his breathing was becoming heavier.
"You okay, mate?" Rich asked, frowning at his friend's demeanor.
"What was that all about?" Drake hissed, grabbing his friend by the arm and dragging him towards a nearby shop.
"We're all friends, Drake," Rich said, glaring at him for leaving an aching sensation in his arm from the tight grip.
Drake huffed, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. "Tom? Emma? And even the others?"
"We're friends," Rich repeated, shrugging.
Seriously, what the hell?
Since when did Rich become friends with those kind of people? Drake frowned at his friend. What was going on here? As far as he was concerned, his friend would never go for someone as nerdy and annoying as Collins.
What the hell?
"Anyway, when's your break?" Rich asked, oblivious to Drake's inward confusion. "Let me know so I can come over and catch Em -"
"No!" Drake snapped. "No, I'm not going to," He made an exaggerated tone, "'let you know', no! Why, so you and Collins can have a lovely time together and do goodness knows -"
"Well, we are kind of dating," Rich said, interrupting Drake with a smirk.
Drake straightened and stared.
Rich and her?
There was no way. Drake shook his head, chuckling at how absurd the idea was. There was no way they could be dating. Besides, Collins had that baby to take care of. It wasn't like she had a lot of time to date and take care of the child.
"Seriously?" Drake asked quietly, his stare remaining at Rich's face, trying to catch any flicker of emotion.
Rich grimaced, combing his hair with his hand. "Well, fine. Not really. She said she's not ready, and just wants to be friends." He didn't fail to notice the way Drake let out a deep breath. How strange... Still, he continued. "But that doesn't mean we won't in the future. Plus, poor Aidan."
"What do you mean, 'poor Aidan'?" Drake spat, clenching his fist.
"Didn't you know?" Rich asked. "Whoever the father is was a right bastard. I found them in town a few days after I returned here. She told me something like how the father of Aidan kicked them out and how he doesn't want them." He shook his head, a certain look on his face. "But I'll be there for her. I can be good for them, right, Drake?"
Drake didn't know why, but for some reason he wanted to punch the smug smirk off Rich's face. His fingers are tingling; just begging to hit or throw something. Drake shoved his hands inside his pockets to prevent any of that from happening.
He didn't want to cause any scene, but fuck, this prick in front of him deserved a bashing.
Rich and Emma Collins? And... Aidan? His breathing was becoming rougher, and it felt as if an invisible heavy force was pressing down on his chest and... Shit, what was this? Why was he feeling like this?
"You okay there?" Rich asked, noticing Drake's face tinting with redness all over.
"Fine," Drake muttered, turning around to leave before he gave in to his impulse. "I'll see you soon, I need to go and get ready for work."
Collins will surely be there, won't she? Drake suddenly smirked at the thought. Maybe he'll come by and visit.
"You didn't do it, did you?" Ian said. It was more of a statement than a question.
Alona bit her lip, bringing her hand up to caress his arm. "Ian... you should have seen his face when they asked that question about him being a criminal. You expect me to break it off at that time? What would they think?"
"I don't care what they think, Alona," Ian said, trying to calm his anger. "All I care about is you."
Alona dropped her hand to her side and looked down. There was this horrible feeling sensation bearing down on her, and it's making her feel rotten. "Ian -"
"Do you love me?" he asked suddenly, grabbing her hands with his.
"That's a stupid question," Alona said quietly. "You know I do."
Ian nodded, tightening his hold on her. "Okay. When do you think you'll tell him? When his mother brings in the dress?
When you plan the reception? When you start hiring entertainment? Or are you going to drop it all during the actual wedding day?"
Alona snatched her hand away from his and stood up. "When it's the right time!"
"When!" Ian snapped back, standing up.
His lips were curled into an angry frown, and there were wrinkles between his eyes from the frown his eyebrows were knitted in. Gently, she raised her hand to smooth the wrinkles away.
"I love you," Alona said softly, "but you have to trust me. I will tell him way before the wedding, of course, but now isn't the time yet. I know there's a perfect time, and I will find out. When I do, I'll tell Drake everything -"
"Tell me what?"
Alona gasped whilst Ian instinctively grabbed onto Alona's arm. Drake had walked into the living room and had stopped, looking at their reaction with confusion.
"Tell me what?" Drake repeated, eyeing the way Alona unconsciously stepped toward Ian. "What's going on?"
Noticing the looks he was giving them, Alona blinked and gathered her bearings before clearing her throat. "Uh... Um, well you see Drake... Ian and I -"
"It's a surprise, mate," Ian smirked, placing a hand over her shoulder. "We can't tell you yet."