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Beautiful Mistake (Mistake #1) Page 4
Beautiful Mistake (Mistake #1) Read online
Page 4
"Are you agreeing with that idiot that I'm fat?" Emma said disapprovingly in a joking matter. "I don't appreciate that."
Jenna grinned and said jokingly, "Your tummy is out there, sweetie. Cover it."
Emma giggled, her spirit feeling slightly lifted thanks to their humor. She threw the sweater at Jenna and asked, "So what's the plan for today?"
"Well Jason and Tom said they were going to stop by for a bit tonight. Don't you think it's time to tell your best mates the news?" Jenna asked, crossing her arms as she leaned on the wall, watching for her friend's reaction.
Emma groaned. "I know it is, but I just don't know what to tell them!"
"Tell them the truth!" Jenna exclaimed.
"Oh, that would be lovely!" Emma said sarcastically, her pregnancy hormones getting the best of her. "I'll just tell them 'Why, hello, Jason and Tom. I just thought I'd let you know that Drake Rogers, Alona Gordon's husband-to-be, took advantage of me in an intimate way! Oh, and that's not the best part, he even left me a gift!' And when either Tom or Jason asks what kind of gift, I'll say something like 'Oh, well, you know...a child! Yup, that's right boys, I'm pregnant!' Yeah, let's see how they'll take that."
Jenna stared at Emma with wide eyes, clearly shocked at her outburst. "Jeez, if pregnancy causes you to act this insane, then I'm having second thoughts about having a child of my own."
"I'm serious, Jenna!" Emma snapped.
"Calm down, Emma," Jenna rolled her eyes, though she seemed slightly amused. "Those are your hormones talking right now. I've read that pregnancy can do that to you."
Before Emma could retort back, Tom burst through the door.
"Who's pregnant?" he asked, attacking Emma with a hug. "I win Jason! You owe 20!"
"Tom," Jason sighed, appearing after him and giving his wife an affectionate greeting."I told you we would see who's faster; you were being unfair; you took the short cut road and just ran with a head start."
"Excuses, excuses," Tom scoffed before turning to the girls with a curious expression. "So, who's pregnant?"
Jenna cleared her throat and shrugged innocently. "Pregnant? I don't know." She turned to Emma with a knowing gaze. "Emma, do you know anyone who is pregnant?"
Emma wanted nothing more than to just melt right then and there.
How did Jenna expect her to just confess her news before she was ready? And she wasn't confessing to just anyone, but to Jason and Tom, who both really disliked Drake.
Just the thought of what their reaction would be made Emma nervous. "I...Um...Well you see I-Oh, wow, this is awk-"
"Emma?" Jason asked in concern, walking towards her. "You alright?"
She gave Jason a forced smile and nodded. "Yes. Jason, I think you and Tom need to sit down for this one."
Jason and Tom shot each other looks of concern before obeying.
"Right," Emma sighed, looking at Jenna for some help. Jenna just nodded for her to continue. "I'm going to tell you both something. But please, do not interrupt me unless I'm done, alright?"
"That means you Tom," Jenna interrupted.
Tom frowned at her. "Um, okay."
"Okay." Emma felt the palms of her hands beginning to moisten with sweat.
"Go on," Jenna said comfortingly.
Emma closed her eyes for only a second to gather her thoughts before she finally told her two best friends the news.
"Alona, this is getting ridiculous," Drake sighed impatiently as he watched the woman pick out a few more wedding dresses. "We've been at this for weeks. Weeks and you still haven't found a bloody dress?"
"You would never understand, Drake, because you're a man," Alona sighed.
"You're only going to be wearing the stupid dress for one day," Drake scoffed. "And let me remind you that the only reason we're getting married is because of that stupid arrangement our fam-"
"Why are you being so cruel?" Alona asked suddenly, glaring at him. "I'm just-"
"I'm tired!" Drake barked impatiently.
"Then go back to the manor!" she cried out. "Go! I'll just have your mother join me tomorrow."
"Thank Goodness," Drake said sarcastically, heading towards the exit without waiting for Alona.
Alona glared at the spot from which Drake disappeared and groaned. "Useless idiot."
"Now, that wasn't very nice."
She whirled around to face a young man with a kind face wearing an amused smirk.
"Pardon?" Alona snapped, how dare he listen to their conversation!
The man shrugged, "I work here, Miss. It's kind of hard not to hear customers."
"Yeah right," Alona scoffed as she dumped her choices into the man's arms. "Here, I would like to try these on, please."
"The fitting room is right there," the man nodded towards the corner. "I'm not getting paid just to hold your dresses."
Alona stared at the man and frowned. "Fine then. Give them back so I can carry the heavy load all the way to the dressing room. Then if your boss sees me struggling, I'll tell her you refused to help me."
The man chuckled. "Wow! Poor Drake, having to put up with you."
Alona's eyes widened. "What?"
He knew her fiancé? Now that she thought about it, this man did look a bit familiar...
The man shook his head, smiling. "Never mind. Here, I'll help you, just this once."
Before she could say anything back, the man had walked towards the dressing room, making sure the dresses weren't touching the floor.
"Thanks," Alona said awkwardly, as he hung the dresses on the wall. "You know Drake?"
"Yeah. We went to school together,'' he said, smiling kindly at her.
Drake has never smiled at me like that before, Alona suddenly thought, sadly. This guy was much more of a gentleman than her future husband.
"Well, is there anything else I can help you with?" he asked, interrupting her thoughts.
"No, thank you," Alona said. "But may I ask what your name is?"
The man smiled at her again and shook his head. "I don't think that would be a good idea."
"Why not?" Alona asked.
The guy gave a nervous chuckle. "I really need to get back to work, Miss. Let me know if there's anything else you need."
"That doesn't mean I can't have your name." Alona snapped.
Why was it so hard for him to give her a name? She only wanted to know his name because he looked extremely familiar. Maybe they went to high school or college together.
He studied her for a few moments, before nodding. "It's me, Alona. Ian Creagh."
Of course they were angry.
Well. Not really angry with her, but very angry with the man who did this to her. They knew this was something she would never do to herself.
Emma sighed and kicked a nearby rock. It took all of Jenna's and Emma's combined strength and multiple promises to ensure that Jason and Tom would stay put and not go out to try and murder Drake.
Not that she would mind.
She found a bench nearby and sat down. Even though she knew she's not as big as other pregnant ladies, it's as if she could still feel the weight and heaviness when she walked. It was there and it was making her more tired than ever.
She wanted the baby to come out already. She wished, for once, that she paid attention more to her doctor, so she would know the approximate month she will deliver. According to her books, sometimes the baby would come days sooner or sometimes weeks. She hopes that the baby comes when it's supposed to come. No surprises.
She had too much surprises to last a lifetime. Emma sighed as her mind began to wander. She was just tired, upset, moody, hungry, and in pain.
She wanted to punch Drake for doing this to her. Wait, no, not just punch; she wanted to punish and hurt him until he realized how much pain he had caused her. She wished she had never made the mistake of trusting him in the first place.
But at least something
good came out of this.
She placed a hand on her stomach and whispered, "I can't wait to see you, baby."
"What the fuck?"
Emma gasped in shock before whipping around to face her intruder. Her expression darkened at the sight of him standing there, watching her as if she had lost her mind.
"What the hell are you doing, Emma Collins?" Drake asked, giving her an appraising look. "Did I just see you talking to your stomach?"
"Piss off, Rogers," Emma snapped, getting up to walk away from him.
Drake smirked and followed her. "Where are you going?"
"Somewhere you aren't."
"Good one, Collins.'' He said, sarcastically.
Emma had had enough.
"Look," she said in a low, angry voice, whirling around and walking towards him until she could see how striking his gray eyes were up close, "Leave me alone, please. I have had enough of you harassing me-"
"Harassing you?'' Drake barked a laugh, "Last time I saw you, you were the one who slapped me in the face? Which you still need to be punished for-"
"Shut up!" Emma snapped angrily, "Why must you bother me all the time? What do you want from me, huh?"
Drake raised an eyebrow and hummed, "Huh...You obviously need another shag, woman." Drake smirked. "Too uptight and bitchy."
Emma took a step back, afraid she might do something drastic, like smack him again.
"Tell me, Collins," Drake whispered quietly, taking a step closer to her and ignoring the looks of those around them, "When was the last time you had a good fuck?"
"Stop," Emma whispered. What was wrong with her? It was as if a heavy weight was being pushed down upon her chest. "Please leave me alone."
But Drake wouldn't have it, as he continued to stalk towards her until she hit the back of a bench. He was standing so close that he could feel her breath on his chin.
He was too close. She couldn't stand it. She wanted to shove him away from her, but she was afraid of what he would do once she touched him.
Should she scream for help? There were people around them! Surely they would see there was a distressed young woman in need of help!
"Was it me last time, Collins?" he asked slowly, lifting his fingers to touch her cheeks. "You liked it didn't you, huh? Just waiting for me aren't you, you naughty little thing, you."
Emma felt as if her heartbeat was rapidly increasing, and she tried to calm herself down by taking a few deep breaths. Drake's smirk widen, watching her the whole time.
"Leave," she said, trying to give him a small shove.
Drake laughed, "Poor pathetic Emma Collins."
Before she realized what she was doing, she had lifted her hand and slapped him in the face. It wasn't until she felt the stinging in her hand that she realized what she'd done.
Oh no.
Oh no, no, no!
She'd done it again.
Drake lifted his face and glared at her. The glint in his eyes transforming to something that frightened her. But before he could do anything, she shoved him hard again and stormed away.
He was about to follow her and give her a piece of his mind when she bent down and threw up in the nearest trash bin. Drake stopped and stared.
What the hell?
She continued to throw up in the garbage until; finally, a few ladies stopped jogging and ran towards them.
"Is she okay?"
"Are you alright dear?"
One of the ladies looked at Drake, "Is your girlfriend okay?"
Drake glared at the woman in front of him.
Was this lady stupid? Did she not know who he was?
''No-I'm fine," Emma cried out as she tried to prevent further vomiting.
Drake took a step back from the scene and gave Emma a dirty glare. "Collins!"
Emma weakly lifted her head up to look at Drake, but suddenly felt the concerned people around her and him slipping away.
"She's fainted!" one of the women called out.
Without thinking, Drake immediately ran to Emma's side. He scooped her up in his arms, ignoring the foul smell of sickness, and ran to his car, where they could go back to his place.
There was no way he would let himself be seen carrying a poor person into the hospital. Alona or his mother or even his maids would figure out what was wrong with this filth in his arms. They might know what's wrong with her.
They have to...
"Drake where have you- wait a minute, is that Emma Collins?" Alona cried out, following Drake to the guest room. "What's wrong with her? Is she-"
"Shut up, Alona!" Drake shouted in annoyance. "Call for my mother!"
He called for a maid and waited until his mother came to the room.
"What's all this?" His mother, Nancy, asked, staring at the pale young woman on the guest bed. "Is that Collins? The young lawyer who-"
"She fainted," Drake interrupted his mother. "We were just talking, and then out of nowhere she started barfing her guts out and fainted."
Nancy frowned, but Alona spoke first. "Why didn't you take her to hospital, Drake? She might need help."
"And risk them seeing me with a this poor woman?" Drake sneered. "Use your head."
"Drake!" Nancy snapped. "Take your fiancé and yourself to the sitting room while I see what's wrong with Miss Collins."
Drake nodded and grabbed Alona's arm as they left his mother and the arriving maid to do what they could.
"Give me a cold wet cloth, please," Nancy asked Sara, the maid.
Sara nodded and rushed to the bathroom sink to fill a bowl with warm water. She grabbed the nearest clean face towel and handed them over to the lady of the house. Nancy squeezed the water out of the rag and folded it up to place it on Emma's forehead.
Emma began to whimper, but her eyes were still closed.
"Sara please perform the basics on Miss Collins and tell me what has caused the sickness," Nancy sighed.
While the maid was seeing to that, Nancy continued wiping the sick girl's face.
It has been awhile since her son's arrest, but Nancy had always felt grateful towards Jason, Tom, and Emma. If it wasn't for them, her son would probably have been still in prison along with his former friends. She might have held onto some of her prejudices against those less fortunate than her, but she still respected them for what they had done for her family.
"Lady Rogers?"
"Yes Sara?" Nancy asked, looking at the maid.
"I know why the girl is sick."
"Go on, what is it?"
Sara lifted up Emma's oversized sweater so Nancy could see for herself. Nancy gasped as she stared at the young woman's slightly round stomach.
"Call Drake."
Once Sara left, Nancy covered the girl with a blanket and stared at her. How could she have been so irresponsible? Wasn't she supposed to be a bright young woman? She's not even married yet!
"Mother?" Drake walked in and nodded towards Emma. "So, what's wrong with her?"
Nancy looked at her son. "Does she have a boyfriend?"
Drake frowned at his mother in confusion.
What the hell?
"Is she married?" Nancy continued, watching Drake's expression.
"No. What does that have to do with anything?" Drake snapped impatiently. He rounded on Emma and began to shake her, as he shouted, "Hey! Idiot! Wake up you bloody-"
"Stop it, Drake!" Alona called out, bursting from the door. She tried to grab him to stop, " Let her rest, what are you doing! Stop it!
Drake scoffed, "Why? I'm sure she's just trying to get attention or whatever." He hit the wall next to her head to wake her up, "Rise and shine! Wake up you lazy piece of-"
Alona had enough and shouted without thinking, "She's pregnant!"
Immediately, Drake recoiled and let Emma go. He stared at Emma in shock as her eyes finally began to flutter open.
He whirled around to face Alona. The expression on his face caused her to take a step back.
"What the fuck did you just say to me?" D
rake asked in a low, harsh whisper, ignoring the whimpers coming from a waking Emma.
Chapter 5
Alona glanced at Emma with uncertainty before looking back to Drake. "It's obvious, isn't it? I mean, look at her."
Drake sneered as he turned to Emma, who was trying her best not to make eye contact with him. He continued to glare at her as his eyes traveled down from her frightened face to the now obvious little bump on her midsection.
What the hell?
That was never there...or at least, he thought it was never there. That bump wasn't visible when he was talking to her a few hours ago. That shows how much he pays attention.
"Is it true, Miss Collins?'' Nancy asked softly.
"Of course not!" Drake barked. "She just let herself go and gained all that bloody weight. Didn't I tell you, Collins? I knew you were getting fat."
"Drake!" Alona shouted. "What's wrong with you?"
Drake whirled around to face her and scoffed. "Oh please, don't act as if you care about this idiot."
Alona stared at her fiancé for a few moments before shaking her head with disgust. Sure, she may have never cared for the 'less fortunate' folks that much, but she was a woman.
And no matter what her status was, Emma was a woman, as well.
Shooting Drake another glare, Alona quickly rushed towards Emma, saying, "She's pregnant, Drake. You never want to upset a pregnant lady."
"I don't see any pregnant lady," Drake smirked, finding the most insulted thing he can say. "All I see is a whale."
Emma glared at him, "How dare you-"
"Stop it, both of you," Nancy snapped, interrupting. "Now, you will both accompany Miss Collins while I go contact the family doctor to come by for a quick check up."
Emma watched with despair as lady of the house left. She could feel Alona's soft hands trying to right her hair and comfort her. Why was she being so nice?
"Tell Alona you're not pregnant, Collins," Drake snapped, taking a threatening step closer to her.
Emma, still completely frightened and confused, frantically shook her head. She just wanted to leave! Why wouldn't they let her go back home?
"Well?" that sharp voice of his was piercing through her head.