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Beautiful Mistake (Mistake #1) Page 5
Beautiful Mistake (Mistake #1) Read online
Page 5
"Please what, idiot?" Drake sneered. "Oh look, Collins already begging-"
"Stop it," Alona said harshly, helping Emma stand up. "Make yourself useful and help me walk her to the guest room."
"What?" Emma and Drake asked simultaneously.
"No!" Emma continued on, ignoring Drake's complaints. "Really, I'm okay! Just let me call my friend Jenna and she can come get me-"
"Don't be ridiculous, Alona," Drake scoffed, rudely interrupting her. "We don't need these idiots to contaminate the air in our mansion."
Emma wanted nothing more than to snatch her hand away from Alona's grip so she could throttle him.
Her patience with Drake was seriously running thin and, thanks to her hormones, she was about to lose it.
After a few more minutes, Drake had had enough. Without warning, he grabbed Emma's arms roughly and slapped Alona's hands away from her.
Ignoring Emma's anger, he tightened his grip on her arm as he continued to drag her towards an empty guest room, where he pushed her inside, not caring if she would have tripped on her own foot and fall.
Careless asshole.
After entering the room himself, his eyes still trained on her, he slammed the door closed and locked the door. "Tell me the truth, Emma Collins."
The murderous look on his face frightened Emma. But she would be damn if she showed him any fear. So she stood up and glared back at him.
"What are you talking about, Rogers?" she spat back.
His eyes quickly glanced back down at her stomach and he nodded towards her bump. "What the fuck is that?"
Emma hesitated. Her first instinct was to deny everything, but when she thought about it...he really did have the right to know. No matter how cruel he was.
She lifted her chin bravely. "You're lovely wife is correct, Rogers."
Drake took a threatening step closer to her. "She's not my wife yet, Collins. And don't lie to me. Tell me the bloody truth!"
Emma fought the urge to groan in annoyance. "I am telling the truth, Rogers!"
"No you're not!" Drake roared back, lunging towards her until their faces were merely an inch apart. "Stop lying!"
He was heaving with anger, and the paleness of his cheeks was coloring with redness.
Emma shook her head and backed away, her face finally showing the hurt she felt.
But Drake wouldn't have it, and he continued to follow her. "You're lying, aren't you Collins? Just trying to gain attention, huh? You know, this isn't the first time where a one night stand would pretend to be pregnant just so she can get my money!"
"You stupid asshole!" Emma could feel the angry tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "I'm telling you the truth! I'm pregnant!"
The look on her face should have been enough to make him believe her. But for some reason, he just didn't want to believe it. How could she be pregnant? He was so sure they - he - was careful!
It can't be... It just can't be...
"When Collins?" Drake whispered. "Tell me how long you've been...like this?"
Emma's gaze dropped down to the floor. She didn't want to look him in the eye, fearing what she'd see when she told him the truth. "I don't remember, honestly. I just-"
"What do you mean you don't remember?" Drake snapped. "It's a simple question!"
It felt as if a bowling ball was ricocheting around inside her head. She couldn't even think straight. Damn it, she just wanted to go home!
"I don't know!" Emma cried out. "I mean, okay the last time I saw my doctor, she said five weeks pregnant - Why does it matter to you?"
Drake continued to sneer at her. "I need to know if I-"
"You want to know if you're the father of the baby?" Emma interrupted. "Well guess what, Rogers?"
He raised an eyebrow disinterestedly, but his knuckles were tightening into a fist.
"You were the only person I've ever slept with," she blurted out, her eyes glaring into his. "So, you do the math."
Drake sucked in a sharp breath.
She was lying. That gold digging bitch is making all this shit up. There was no way he'd-
"You're lying," he snarled, charging towards her.
Emma's eyes widened as she rushed to the other side of the room. She lifted her arms in front of her for protection as she cried out, "I'm telling you, I'm not! Give me a freaking lie detector if you have to!"
She was too busy yelling at him; she didn't notice he was in front of her until she felt her back slammed against the wall. Jeez, why must he always feel the need to push her?
It felt as if her breath was knocked out of her lungs, while she felt his fingers digging through her shoulders. She was getting so tired of this! Her vision was starting to darken as she saw his face coming closer to her again.
Boy, he was angry... He was shouting at her, but she couldn't really understand...
He is now pointing at her, his lips moving, his eyes darting all over her face... but what the hell, she can't hear nor understand what he's saying...
Emma's eyes popped open as she felt Drake's rigid face stare at her in a - wait, what the fuck? He looks concerned. Yeah right...what for? Emma tried to blink, her vision turning hazy.
Behind him, Alona, Nancy, and a man who she assumed is a doctor had come bursting through the door.
Before they could get to Emma, her vision went completely black as she fell into unconsciousness.
"That was a very cruel thing, Drake Rogers."
"Mother, come on-"
"Don't! Your father and I never taught you to-"
As Emma started to regain consciousness, her hearing began to sharpen. She could hear Drake and Nancy whispering nearby so she continued to feign sleep.
"Bloody hell, mother. She's just Collins-"
"Yes, she's Collins, and she helped us, Drake."
"Oh not this again-"
"And if it wasn't for this young woman, you would still be in prison. Or worst, in a death sentence! Do I really have to constantly remind you that?"
There was a silence then that left Emma straining her ears.
"Now, I'm going to go help Alona in kitchen. Remember what the doctor said."
Emma could hear Nancy's footsteps leaving the room and the door closing. Damn, why did she have to leave her alone with him?
"I know you're awake, Collins," Drake sighed. "So you can stop pretending now."
Feeling foolish, she opened her eyes and saw him sitting on a chair beside her bed. "What happened?"
Drake rolled his eyes before he continued. "Listen Collins, turns out you weren't lying after all. You are with child."
Very clever, Rogers, Emma fought the urge to retort.
"The Doc confirmed it," Drake continued on. "He also pulled me aside and told me that based on your story about me being the only bloke you fucked, I'm the father."
"You are," Emma said.
"Well, I don't believe your story, Collins," Drake snapped. "I know for a fact you can be a very good liar. You're probably even clever enough to outsmart a lie detect! That's why I'm not even going to bother giving it to you. For all I know, you banged your friend or whatever."
Emma groaned in annoyance. Goodness, this man is stubborn! "But I'm telling you the truth! I've only been with you, Rogers! I've never even been with Tom! When are you going to just accept it and be responsible?"
Drake let out a deep sigh, leaning back from his chair to stare at the ceiling. He blinked a few times, muttering to himself. Groaning, he turned to her and glanced at her up and down with his lips curled up in an expression of disgust.
"You listen to me and you listen good, Collins. Even if I am the father - which I'm sure I'm not - I am not going ready to be a father to some bastard, you understand me?"
Emma gawked at him. The nerve of him! "Excuse me you -"
"You are goin
g to get rid of that thing inside you-"
"No!" Emma shouted. "First you take away my innocence and now you want to take away the only good that came out of it?"
She wanted to throw a fit and punch him in the face, but she knew her temper and blood pressure would just upset the living being inside her, so she tried her best to remain calm.
"I am not going to be held responsible for that thing, Collins!" Drake whispered harshly, his face so close to her that she could feel his hot breath caressing her face.
"Then you won't have to be!" Emma cried out. "You can just let me go and-"
Drake barked a laugh, "You think my mother won't know about that thing being born?
It wasn't until she felt something moist trailing down her cheeks that she realized she was crying. But she didn't care, not anymore.
"Rogers," Emma whimpered, trying to reason with him. "You won't ever have to see me again, I promise. Just tell your mother to let me leave."
"Don't be ridiculous, Miss Collins."
They both whirled around to see Nancy standing by the doorway.
"This is insane," Emma said to Nancy. "Jenna must be worried sick-"
"I called her," Nancy sighed softly, walking towards her with a plate of food. "You must be famished."
Emma shook her head. "Thanks, but I-"
"I believe what the doctor said, Miss Collins," Nancy interrupted. She shot her son a look before turning back to Emma. "You will stay here until the baby is born."
There was a loud groaning sound, followed by a chair being violently knocked over as Drake left the room.
Nancy rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Don't mind him. I believe you when you say that he's the father. Knowing my son's history, it's not hard to believe. I was hoping his betrothal to Alona would open his eyes."
Emma snorted but remained silent.
The older woman ignored her and continued on. "But you have to know that he's a very stubborn man. He might believe he's the father, but he won't accept it."
"So he's in denial," Emma sighed.
"Yes," Nancy nodded and then added, "Alona doesn't know a thing. She doesn't know he's the father"
Emma raised an eyebrow, "Why not?"
"I think when the time is right, you and Drake need to talk to her." Nancy shrugged. "Hopefully you two can overcome your differences to make it happen... Possibly before the wedding?"
Emma laughed harshly, "Rogers and I? Please."
Nancy studied the young woman and smiled. "Get to know my son, Miss Collins. He's not all bad."
Emma snorted. Yeah right.
That lying gold digger.
Drake grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and viciously dug his teeth into the sweet fruit before ripping a piece off to chew.
He turned around and scoffed. "What do you want now, Collins?"
Emma bit her lip nervously and fiddled with her sleeves. "Your mother thought you and I should...talk."
Drake smirked, settling himself on the nearest couch. "Talk? About what?"
"You know what," Emma said. "Nancy said that Alona doesn't know about this. I think we should talk about how we might tell her. After all, this happened because of our mistake-"
"Our mistake?" Drake laughed harshly. "If I'm not mistaken, you wanted to fuck me as much as I wanted you. I think you mean it was your mistake for even believing me in the first place."
Emma opened her mouth to return something back, but nothing came out. After a few seconds, she closed her mouth in defeat and took a step away from him. What could she say to that? He was right.
Damn, it was all her fault. Why did she have to be gullible and believe that he would change? Men like him never change.
Drake noticed her behavior and smirked. "What? Finally realized that I was right?"
"But this is still your baby-"
"Don't," Drake spat darkly, standing up and striding towards her. "I don't give a damn about you or that thing inside of you, understand?"
Emma's eyes widen. Great... this again.
"Now you may have won my mother's trust, but you certainly don't have any of mine," Drake growled. "We are not going to tell Alona anything because I am not going to be part of that thing's life, you understand?"
"But your mother-"
"To hell what my mother says!" Drake barked angrily. "I have no choice but to let you stay here, but once that thing is out of your system, I want you gone!"
Emma let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding.
Drake continued, "You're a liar and I still hate you. I only shagged you because I was curious, remember? Now that I've had my fill, you expect me to stay just because you and I created a monster?"
"You're the monster! You were the one who nearly shot an innocent man to death!" Emma cried out, tears falling from her eyes.
She blamed the hormones for those stupid 'tears'.
Drake's fist tightened on the apple he was still carrying, his anger increasing. He didn't want to do something he'll regret, like tear up the room. "Shut up! You knew what really happened! You helped worked my case!"
"I was just an intern that time, you idiot! I didn't fully worked on your case, but if it wasn't for me you would - "
"I fucking know that, damn it!" Drake roared, it was as if the anger and frustration in his veins decided to just burst throughout his body.
His fist tightened around the object in his hand - the unfinished apple - and threw it blindly across the room with all the strength he could muster; not really paying attention to where it was aimed at.
Emma, who was also upset and didn't pay attention to that stupid apple, smacked her on the face.
Drake's mouth dropped open and stared at her, his eyes darting from her cheek to the fallen apple.
He didn't mean to!
But wow, he didn't know if he should laugh at the situation or freak out that he accidentally threw a fucking apple at a pregnant lady.
Emma gawked at him as she rubbed her cheek to ease the sting. "You asshole!"
Drake stifled a laugh at the redness forming on her cheek. "It's not like I did it on purpose! The apple just wanted you to leave as much as I do, apparently."
Stupid! Emma growled to herself, her eyes watering from that sharp sting.
"You are going to regret that." Emma spat.
Damn it, was that stupid fruit made out of stone? That bloody hurt! She wanted nothing more than to pick up the nearest heavy book and throw it on his head.
Drake, who was still trying hard not to laugh at the sudden situation, took a step closer to her. "Are you, um... are you okay?"
Emma snapped her head up to glare at him, "And you care because?"
Drake looked miffed. "I was just -"
"Drake? Emma?"
They both turned around to see Alona by the doorway. Her eyes filled with confusion as she looked back and forth between them. But when she saw the way Emma held her face, she gasped and quickly rushed towards her.
"Emma, what's wrong?" She asked softly. "Is it the baby?"
Drake scoffed. "So you both on a first name basis now, am I right?"
But Alona ignored him, "What is it?"
Emma didn't want to cause any more trouble. What else could she say? Drake was so pissed off that he released an angry apple to attack her face? What the hell.
Then again, that idiot does need to learn to control his rage. Who knows, he might 'accidentally' throw something at his future wife next time he gets angry.
Whatever, it's their problem. It was best to just leave everything alone.
So she just shook her head frantically and forced a small smile. "I'm fine, Alona. Just the hormones, is all."
Alona's face brightened. "You must be happy to have a child, Emma. Who is the father?"
From the corner of her eye she saw Drake stiffen. "I rather not say."
Alona frowned. "But why? Surely we must
call him so-"
"It's Tom's," Emma said, blurting out the first name that popped into her head. "But he doesn't know yet...so please, don't tell him."
She'd eventually have to tell Tom what she told Alona. She has to tell him as soon as possible.
Alona nodded, "Well I'm sure it will be a pleasant surprise for him. You should stay here until you feel all better, alright? That way your man Tom won't see you and ruin the surprise!"
"This is ridiculous," Drake interrupted them, glaring at them both.
"Actually that's why I have to leave now," Emma lied. "I want to go home so I can tell Tom the news."
"Splendid idea, Collins!" Drake falsely cheered. He grabbed her arm and led her towards the door.
Once they were far away from Alona, he dropped his voice so only she could hear him. "I don't ever want to see or hear about you or that thing again, got it?"
"Perfect," Emma spat back.
Finally! Something they can agree on.
"Get out of my life." He pushed her not too kindly out the door and barked orders at their chauffeur, telling him to take her home.
Emma rolled her eyes, and smiled kindly at the man as they drove away. "Thank you, sir."
Finally, she's out of that mans presence! Jeez, she just wants to... Ugh! Smack him in the face!
"You what?"
"I know!" Emma cried out in a hurry. "I'm sorry, Tom! I panicked! I told them you were the father and I-bloody hell, Tom, I'm sorry!"
Tom stared at Jason and Jenna with his eyes wide. They both gaped at him with the same shocked expressions, neither of them knowing what to say. Tom shook his head and looked back at his crying best friend.
Why was she freaking out? Yes, it was wrong of her to do, but that didn't mean he couldn't help her!
"Emma, it's okay," Tom sighed, wrapping his arms around her shaking frame. "It's alright. It's okay. I'll be very happy to help raise your child. You know that."
Emma hiccupped and looked up at her friend. "I know, but I'm still sorry. Now people are going to think that you're the father and-"
"Why are you making it sound as if I think it's a bad thing?" Tom asked, feeling a little hurt.
"You know he fancied you for a while, Emma," Jason added. "Tom would do anything to help you. Not to mention Jenna and I."